What kind of heartburn does omeprazole cause?

What kind of heartburn does omeprazole cause?

I have been on 20 omeprazole for over six months due to heartburn, reflux, discomfort, breathlessness etc. Saw consulant and had endoscopy two weeks ago when they confirmed yet again had medium hiatus hernia and copious reflux.

Why do I feel nauseous when I take omeprazole?

I felt a bit better after a few days but still felt nauseous (it was worst at night). I then went back home oversea and went to see another doctor there. I’ve had acid reflux several years before and he said this might be acid reflux or something with my stomach.

Why did I start taking omeprozole for acid reflux?

My reflux is due to a hiatus hernia. I got/still get very little acid heartburn. I started taking the digestive enzyme because of constant bloating as I thought there couldn’t be enough stomach acid to digest the food. Now I’ve stopped the omeprazole, as long as I stick to a low fat diet (which is no bad thing) then I’m much better.

How does omeprazole work to treat stomach ulcers?

Omeprazole works by blocking gastric acid secretion in your stomach which reduces heartburn, says Shilpa Ravella, M.D., a gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. It can also be used to treat ulcers and to help patients with tumors that result in high levels of gastric acid secretion, she adds.

Why is omeprazole not working for acid reflux?

The most common reasons why omeprazole is not working for acid reflux are not taking the right dose, not taking omeprazole at the right time, resistance to omeprazole. Also, some patient and disease factors may contribute to the resistance of omeprazole.

I felt a bit better after a few days but still felt nauseous (it was worst at night). I then went back home oversea and went to see another doctor there. I’ve had acid reflux several years before and he said this might be acid reflux or something with my stomach.

What to do if your throat hurts after taking omeprazole?

See if the scope can be moved up and have someone do a thourogh exam and maybe ultrasound. It could be a swollen gland but im not certain. Make sure Anesthesia knows when you go in and tell the doc before the procedure.

Can you take lansoprazole if you have acid reflux?

I was off it for a month and feeling dreadful, and then my doctor put me on lansoprazole. I managed 3 tablets and felt so ill and the acid so bad I had to stop. Still feeling awful with severe acid at night and painful throat, sinuses and stomach during the day. I spent £60 on a bed wedge which doesn’t help.