What jobs dont require diplomas?

What jobs dont require diplomas?

Here are some examples of no high school diploma jobs:

  • Housekeeper. National average salary: $11.32 per hour.
  • Server. National average salary: $11.38 per hour.
  • Barista. National average salary: $11.57 per hour.
  • Custodian. National average salary: $11.87 per hour.
  • Security guard.
  • Florist.
  • Telemarketer.
  • Landscaper.

Can a job fire you for not having a GED?

Yes. There is no law preventing employers from requiring its employees to have a high school diploma or GED after they have become employees.

Do most jobs require a GED?

Yes, but more and more employers are requiring a GED or high school diploma. In fact, only about 27 percent of US jobs don’t require a GED or diploma, which means that the vast majority of jobs do require one. Getting a GED can open the door to many new opportunities.

Can you be successful without a high school diploma?

Do Successful High School Dropouts Really Exist? Yes. In fact, some of the most successful people in the world never graduated from high school. And for every famous dropout, many other dropouts exist who quietly lead prosperous and fulfilling lives.

What jobs can a dropout get?

Here are the top 10 jobs for high school dropouts.

  • Construction manager. Average wage: $91,370 / £48,500 per year.
  • Automotive service technician/Mechanic.
  • Sales representative.
  • Food service manager.
  • Secretary/Administrative assistant.
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Home health aides.
  • Diesel service technician/Mechanic.

Can you work at Walmart without a high school diploma?

No, you do not need a high school diploma. You don’t have to have a high school diploma to work in the distribution center, but it is helpful.

Is getting a GED easy?

The GED test is hard because it is very time-pressured. But if you prepare with good resources, the GED is quite easy. The GED® test is also easy because it is NOT tricky. The GED is a pretty straightforward test; you can easily get ready for it in a few weeks or months (depending on your educational background).

Do employers really check for GED?

Do they really look to see if you have a GED? Probably, potential employers won’t check your diploma, but they will definitely check your record. When you apply for a position, you should never lie. As a GED holder, they will ask for your GED completion date to verify your education history.

What is the highest paying job with a GED?

20 of the highest paying jobs for a GED

  • Elevator technician.
  • Air traffic controller.
  • Electrician.
  • Plumber.
  • Insurance sales agent.
  • Massage therapist. National average salary: $28.86 per hour.
  • Truck driver. National average salary: $60,904 per year.
  • Real estate appraiser. National average salary: $62,471 per year.

What jobs can a highschool dropout get?

10 Jobs Where High School Dropouts Can Be Successful

  • Construction Manager.
  • Mechanic.
  • Office Manager.
  • Sales Rep.
  • Food Service Manager.
  • Administrative Assistant.
  • Electrician.
  • Machinist.

Can you lie about having a high school diploma?

Can I lie about having a high school diploma? Well, of course, they can fire you for lying on your application and/or for not having a high school diploma. Your question is not a legal one, it is a personal one. You can tell them that you lied, etc., the choice is yours to make.

Can a person with a GED get a job?

The latest research, however, shows that people with GEDs are, in fact, no better off than dropouts when it comes to their chances of getting a good job. This is raising lots of questions, especially in school districts with high dropout rates and rising GED enrollments. A Second Chance,…

Can you go to community college without a GED?

Because some community colleges and trade schools accept government-provided financial aid packages, they are required to make sure that the students they enroll have some likelihood of actually being able to learn the skill the government is paying them to learn.

Can you go to beauty school without a GED?

As a general recommendation, the high school diploma or GED pathways are preferred because some states allow schools to teach without these prerequisites, but they still insist upon them before they will issue a beautician’s license to the graduate.

Can you get a high school diploma with a GED?

As an alternative to a high school diploma, a GED certificate is a measure of language arts, math, social studies and science aptitude. You will need to review the GED requirements in your area and pass the exam. Upon passing the exam, you earn a high school equivalency credential, which is like getting a high school diploma.