What is your greatest strength and how will it help your performance in this position?

What is your greatest strength and how will it help your performance in this position?

My greatest strength is my ability to work effectively with many different people. My greatest strength is my ability to stay focused on my work and finish tasks in advance of a deadline. I’m not easily distracted, and this means my performance is very strong.

What are your biggest strengths as a couple?

On the basis of research over sev- eral decades we believe that a useful model for describing couple and family strengths includes six major strengths: appreciation and affection for each other; commitment to the couple and the family; positive communication; enjoyable time together; a sense of spiritual well-being and …

What are your strengths Performance Review?

Communication. When employees communicate well with co-workers and management, put emphasis on their strengths by using words like: teamwork, active listening, empathy, cooperative, and persuasive. When they communicate well with customers, you might say they are customer-focused or customer-oriented.