What is the recovery time for toenail removal surgery?

What is the recovery time for toenail removal surgery?

Everyone is different but on average it takes four to six weeks to heal if part of the nail is removed and 10 to 12 weeks if the whole nail is removed. During this time you will be able to walk and carry on your life as normal although you should avoid sporting activities or dancing.

How painful is it to have your big toenail removed?

The procedure involves removal of either all of, or part of the painful toenail. The nail bed is then destroyed to prevent unwanted painful regrowth. The procedure is carried out under a local anaesthetic so patients do not feel any pain during the surgery.

How long does it hurt after toenail removal?

Typical recoveries have limited to no discomfort and usually alleviate ingrown nail discomfort within 24 hours.

Should I wash my toe after nail surgery?

Soak the treated area 3 times a day in warm water and Epsom Salt (follow package instructions) starting the day after your nail surgery. Your shower can count as 1 of those soakings. Soak the toe with the bandage on. If the bandage is still in place on the 3rd day, remove it.

When can I wear shoes after toenail removal?

You should wear loose-fitting shoes or sneakers for the first 2 weeks after the procedure. Please avoid wearing high-heeled or tight-fitting shoes in the future. You should avoid running, jumping, or strenuous activity for 2 weeks after the surgery.

How long does it take to recover from toenail removal?

Recovery From Toenail Removal Surgery. After your toenail is removed, you will most likely wear a bandage or a Band-Aid for two weeks, during which time your mobility may be somewhat limited. You will be advised to keep your foot elevated as much as possible, but most patients are able to walk easily after toenail removal.

How to deal with toenail pain after surgery?

You will be advised to keep your foot elevated as much as possible, but most patients are able to walk easily after toenail removal. The first night there may be some throbbing, but ibuprofen or acetaminophen should be sufficient to keep the pain under control.

What kind of surgery is needed to remove toenails?

Home » Foot Surgery » Toenail Removal. Surgical toenail removal (also known as avulsion of the nail plate) is a common method of treatment for a variety of conditions, including “ram’s horn nails” (onychogryphosis) and an ingrown toenail. Toenail removal may be partial or complete, and in some cases a doctor may recommend permanent toenail removal.

What to do with a bandage after toenail removal?

After the procedure, typically the bandage is kept on for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you may remove your bandage and soak the affected toe in lukewarm water and Epsom salt for 20 minutes once or twice a day.

How do you heal toenail removal?

For the first few weeks after having your toenail removed, you will need to keep the wound clean and dry while it heals. You will most likely wear a bandage for about two weeks, and your mobility may be somewhat limited during this time. It may take several months for your toenail to completely grow back.

How long does an ingrown toenail take to heal after removed?

If the ingrown nail is removed, but no acid or chemical is put on the nail root, you should heal in 7-10 days.

What is the recovery process for toenail removal?

It is important to know that the nail will not appear the same as other nails if this ingrown toenail surgery technique is performed. The recovery process can take up to six to eight weeks . The presence of infection prior to surgery will prolong the recovery period.

What happens after toenail removal?

You may bleed more than expected after your nail is removed. Your toe or finger may become red, swollen, or painful. Without treatment, your finger or toe may become painful, swollen, and infected. You may not be able to do your usual activities.