What is the primary reason for completing a non-contrast CT of the brain in the acute phase of stroke?

What is the primary reason for completing a non-contrast CT of the brain in the acute phase of stroke?

Non-contrast CT (NCCT) remains the gold standard means of detecting intracranial haemorrhage in acute stroke. Blood is hyperdense because of its high electron density (fig 1). As blood is broken down, density on CT declines by approximately 1.5 Hounsfield units (HU) per day.

Can a head CT detect a stroke?

Physicians use CT of the head to detect a stroke from a blood clot or bleeding within the brain. To improve the detection and characterization of stroke, CT angiography (CTA) may be performed. In CTA, a contrast material may be injected intravenously and images are obtained of the cerebral blood vessels.

What to look for on a non contrast head CT scan?

There are a few categories we can analyze separately. Bleeding: the non-contrast head CT is the study of choice for detecting acute bleeding. Brain pathology: masses, calcifications, loss of gray/white matter differentiation, and any issues in the brain parenchyma should be evaluated.

When to have a CT brain contrast done?

1 Only one CT contrast study should be scheduled within a 48 hour period. 2 BUN & Creatinine must be done within 72 hours of the scan. 3 Nothing but clear liquid after midnight before the scan. 4 NPO 4 hours prior to exam (no food or drink).

What is the purpose of contrast enhanced CT?

Contrast-enhanced CT allows the identification of abnormal contrast enhancement, such as in brain metastases, some primary brain tumors, and brain abscesses.

What does a CT scan of the brain look for?

Computed tomography (also CAT or CT scan) of the brain (cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and brain stem.) Indications A CT brain is ordered to look at the structures of the brain and evaluate for the presence of pathology, such as mass/tumor, fluid collection (such as an abcess), ischemic processes (such as a stroke).

Why order a CT without contrast?

CT brain: One of the most common reasons to order CT brain without contrast is to rule out a cerebral hemorrhage – new blood shows up better, and can be obscured with contrast. Structures and any abnormalities such as lesions can still show up quite well without contrast, especially with newer CT imaging.

How is a CT scan performed without contrast?

CT of the brain can be done with or without contrast, but it is often not needed. In general, it is preferred that the choice of contrast or no contrast be left up to the discretion of the imaging physician.

Is CT scan with “contrast” harmful?

Exposure to contrast dye commonly used in x-ray procedures such as angiograms and CT scans can be harmful to kidney function. Sometimes the dye can cause serious problems in the kidneys. This is known as contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN).

What does a CT scan without contrast show?

Contrast material. A special dye called contrast material is needed for some CT scans to help highlight the areas of your body being examined . The contrast material blocks X-rays and appears white on images, which can help emphasize blood vessels, intestines or other structures .