What is the name of the lowest vertebrae?

What is the name of the lowest vertebrae?

The bottom of the spine is called the sacrum. It is made up of several vertebral bodies usually fused together as one. The remaining small bones or ossicles below the sacrum are also fused together and called the tailbone or coccyx.

How many of each vertebrae are there?

Vertebrae are the 33 individual bones that interlock with each other to form the spinal column. The vertebrae are numbered and divided into regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx (Fig.

How big is a single human vertebrae?

In humans, the length of the vertebral column is 71 cm in males and 61 cm in females. This diagram shows the curvatures associated with the different regions of the human vertebral column. The primary vertebral curve (concave forwards) is retained in the thoracic and sacral regions.

What is the last vertebrae called?

Below the sacrum is the tail end of your spine, called the coccyx or tailbone. Again, several fused vertebrae (generally 3–5) form the coccyx.

How many vertebrae are in the lower part of the spine?

The lower portion of the spine is called the lumbar spine. It is usually made up of five vertebrae, however, some people may have six lumbar vertebrae. Having six vertebrae does not seem to cause a problem.

Which is the smallest bone in the body?

The hammer, anvil and stirrup—also known as the malleus, incus, and stapes, respectively, and collectively, as “middle ear ossicles”—are the smallest bones in the human body.31 Jan 2008 What is the smallest muscle in the body?

Where are the L5 vertebrae located in the back?

To the human eye, this is the curve just above the buttocks, which is also commonly referred to as the small of the back. The L5 is larger than its counterparts located in the thoracic and cervical regions. The L5 is the lowest with the lumbar region, as it is the closest to the sacrum and the pelvis.

Which is larger the lumbar spine or the cervical spine?

The fifth lumbar spine vertebrae (L5) is part of the greater lumbar region. To the human eye, this is the curve just above the buttocks, which is also commonly referred to as the small of the back. The L5 is larger than its counterparts located in the thoracic and cervical regions.