What is the most common side effect of insulin?

What is the most common side effect of insulin?

Hypoglycemia may occur and is the most common side effect of insulin treatment. Severe, life-threatening allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, may occur. Hypokalemia (low blood potassium) may occur because insulin stimulates movement of potassium from blood into cells.

How long does insulin side effects last?

It peaks within 30 to 90 minutes, and its effects last for three to five hours. Short-acting insulin: This type takes about 30 to 60 minutes to become active in your bloodstream. It peaks in two to four hours, and its effects can last for five to eight hours.

What are the signs and symptoms of insulin reaction?

Mild symptoms of insulin reaction include dizziness, irritability, hunger, shakiness, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. Moderate symptoms of insulin reaction include confusion, headache, and poor coordination.

What are the long term effects of injecting insulin?

Some studies have shown that the use of insulin is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, cancer and all-cause mortality in comparison with other glucose-lowering therapies.

What are the most common side effects of insulin?

The most common side effect is hypoglycemia; the most-rare side effect is hypersensitivity or allergy. How can injecting insulin cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) to happen? Insulin’s job is to essentially escort the sugar from the bloodstream into our brain, muscles, and nerves.

Can a person have an allergic reaction to insulin?

Adverse effects and allergic reactions to insulin are possible. Here’s what you should know if you take insulin to control your diabetes. Even though insulin occurs naturally in people who don’t have diabetes, it’s still possible to have an adverse reaction and there are side effects as well. If you have diabetes your body has an insulin problem.

Are there side effects if you don’t have diabetes?

Even though insulin occurs naturally in people who don’t have diabetes, it’s still possible to have an adverse reaction and there are side effects as well. If you have diabetes your body has an insulin problem.

When do side effects of insulin injections go away?

Immediate reaction can occur locally at the site of the injection (typically swelling or redness) or be systemic and appear on the palm of the hands or soles of the feet. A delayed reaction occurs later than 1 hour and up to 24 hours later. The delayed reaction is usually transient and will resolve within a few weeks.

What is the adverse effect of insulin?

Common side effects may include: low blood sugar; itching, mild skin rash; or thickening or hollowing of the skin where you injected the medicine.

What are the effects of stopping insulin injections?

If you stop taking it, you will experience hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels). This can do serious damage to body and brain. Your doctor has put you on insulin for a reason.

Which are effects are effects of insulin?

Common insulin side effects may include: low blood sugar; swelling in your hands or feet; weight gain; or. thickening or hollowing of the skin where you injected the medicine.

What are the side effects of insulin therapy for diabetes?

You’ll need to inject insulin using a needle and syringe or a pen injector. The most common side effect is low blood sugar. You may also have headaches, rashes, dizziness, anxiety, cough, and dry mouth. Some may go away as your body gets used to the medicine. Norman Tomaka, PharmD, media liaison, American Pharmacists Association.