What is the meaning of the word Odynophagia?

What is the meaning of the word Odynophagia?

“Odynophagia” is the medical term for painful swallowing. Pain can be felt in your mouth, throat, or esophagus. You may experience painful swallowing when drinking or eating food. Sometimes swallowing difficulties, known as dysphagia, can accompany the pain, but odynophagia is often a condition of its own.

What is another name of Swallow?

In this page you can discover 75 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for swallow, like: gulp, eat, abide, take in one draught, bolt, wash-down, swig, ingurgitate, imbibe, absorb and devour.

What is another way to describe dysphagia?

Dysphagia is the term used to describe difficulty swallowing. The term can be broken down into two parts, where “dys” meaning difficulty and “phag” meaning eating.

What can cause Odynophagia?

Etiology. Odynophagia is most often induced by an infection of the esophagus, particularly in those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, radiation-induced esophagitis Perez and Early (2002), or may be related to a motility disorder of the esophagus.

What is another name for swallowing anatomy?

The process of swallowing, also known as deglutition, involves the movement of substances from the mouth (oral cavity) to the stomach via the pharynx and esophagus. Swallowing is an essential and complex behavior learned very early in development.

What’s the medical term for swallowing?

Deglutition: The act of swallowing, particularly of swallowing food. The muscles of deglutition are the muscles employed in the act of swallowing.

Can GERD cause trouble swallowing?

When you have GERD (chronic acid reflux) your stomach acid persistently flows back up into your mouth through your esophagus. You may experience heartburn, acid indigestion, trouble swallowing, feeling of food caught in your throat and other problems.

What can be done for aspiration?

When aspiration results from a medical condition, such as a stroke, speech therapy may help to improve a person’s swallowing reflex and lower their risk of aspiration. Dietary and lifestyle changes can also help treat chronic aspiration.

Which is the best definition of odynophagia?

Definition of Odynophagia. Painful swallowing is called as odynophagia (2). The pain may be related to particular food item or temperature of food or simply may not be related to any other factors. It may or may not be associated with difficulty in swallowing (3). Pain felt while swallowing can be from the mouth, oesophagus or throat (4).

Can you have dysphagia and odynophagia at the same time?

Dysphagia can be so severe that you may not be able to swallow at all. Dysphagia and odynophagia may occur at the same time. They can also have the same underlying causes. However, you might have swallowing difficulties without any pain. If this is the case, you likely have dysphagia only.

Is there a cure or treatment for odynophagia?

There is not a single cause nor a singular effective treatment for odynophagia. This is because painful swallowing can be caused by various underlying health conditions. Below we will explain some of the most common medical conditions that can cause painful swallowing and what the remedies are for such conditions.

Can you have a common cold with odynophagia?

Alternatively, odynophagia can cause pain without problems swallowing. Odynophagia can sometimes be related to a minor condition, such as the common cold. In such cases, the painful swallowing will resolve itself over time. Chronic painful swallowing may be related to another underlying cause.

What’s the difference between odynophagia and dysphagia?

Sometimes, odynophagia is confused with dysphagia, which is another condition that has to do with swallowing. Dysphagia refers to the difficulty swallowing. With this condition, swallowing difficulties occur regularly. It is also more common in older adults. Like odynophagia, dysphagia is related to a variety of causes.

There is not a single cause nor a singular effective treatment for odynophagia. This is because painful swallowing can be caused by various underlying health conditions. Below we will explain some of the most common medical conditions that can cause painful swallowing and what the remedies are for such conditions.

Alternatively, odynophagia can cause pain without problems swallowing. Odynophagia can sometimes be related to a minor condition, such as the common cold. In such cases, the painful swallowing will resolve itself over time. Chronic painful swallowing may be related to another underlying cause.

Can a tumour be the cause of odynophagia?

This can be due to infections, tumours, inflammations, or injury to mouth, throat or oesophagus. Appropriate investigations can help in easy diagnosis and treatment of the difficulty. In most cases, odynophagia can be treated successfully by treating the underlying cause. “odynophagia”. The American Heritage Science Dictionary.