What is the meaning of not remarkable?

What is the meaning of not remarkable?

: unworthy or unlikely to be noticed : not remarkable : common, ordinary The village itself is unremarkable; its one great attribute being the nearby network of extensive caverns.—

What happens if you don’t understand medical terminology?

If the wrong medical terminology is used, it can drastically change the care the patient receives. A wrong diagnosis or wrong treatment plan can be harmful or even fatal.

What’s the difference between ” remarkable for ” and ” unremarkable “?

USUALLY, “ Remarkable for……” is a way of saying “ In summary, here are the findings (in the history, physical examination, lab tests, and/or imaging studies) that I find most relevant in my evaluation, which leads me to my assessment….” “ Unremarkable ” could mean “no abnormal findings that I know of in the history, physical exam or diagnostics.”

What’s the definition of unremarkable when used in CT scan?

Here’s a concrete though underwhelming answer: the same as when it is used in reports for radiographic, ultrasound, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine imaging studies. Here’s another valid answer, which is not entirely dissimilar from Dr. Hutchison’s answer.

What does unremarkable mean on a physical exam?

“Unremarkable” could mean “no abnormal findings that I know of in the history, physical exam or diagnostics.”. For example: 66 year old female with chief complaint of 10 days of difficulty breathing.

What does the medical term ” grossly unremarkable ” mean?

“Grossly unremarkable” typically means that the thing that is being called unremarkable may have limited visualization or characterization but within those limits does not have image observations to suggest the cause of the signs and symptoms in question. How to entirely empty your bowels every morning (revealed).

What is the meaning of the word unremarkable?

The term “unremarkable” is often used by physicians, lab technicians or radiologists to suggest that the results of a test or scan does not differ from what they would expect to see on a normal test, according to Intelihealth. It is similar to the phrases “within normal limits” and “unimpressive.”

What does grossly unremarkable mean for the lungs?

Unremarkable in medical terms means normal. A grossly unremarkable osseous nasal exam means the nose bones looked normal. What does a grossly remarkable gallbladder ct scan mean?

Here’s a concrete though underwhelming answer: the same as when it is used in reports for radiographic, ultrasound, MRI, and Nuclear Medicine imaging studies. Here’s another valid answer, which is not entirely dissimilar from Dr. Hutchison’s answer.

What do remarkable and unremarkable medical exams mean?

Family history, psychosocial history are unremarkable. 10 point review of systems all unremarkable except for what has been mentioned above. Physical exam is remarkable for variable BP ranging from 90/60–80 and pulse rates from 80–120/ min. Respiration 26/min, afebrile. Weight 201lbs. HEENT are unremarkable.