What is the meaning of a persistent vegetative state?

What is the meaning of a persistent vegetative state?

The term “persistent vegetative state” was coined by Jennett and Plum in 1972 to describe the condition of patients with severe brain damage in whom coma has progressed to a state of wakefulness without detectable awareness1. Such patients have sleep-wake cycles but no ascertainable cerebral cortical function.

Can you recover from a persistent vegetative state?

Most people with a persistent vegetative state do not recover any mental function or ability to interact with the environment in a meaningful way. However, a few people with a persistent vegetative state improve enough that the diagnosis is changed to minimally conscious state.

When does a patient sleep through the night?

A patient in a persistent vegetative state sleeps through the night and is awake and conscious during the day. a. True b. False A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks.

What do you mean by persistent vegetative state?

A patient in a persistent vegetative state sleeps through the night and is awake and conscious during the day. A/An _____________ drug is administered to treat symptoms of severe disorders of thinking and mood that are associated with neurological and psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia, mania, and delusional disorders.

What does absence seizure mean in medical terms?

An absence seizure is a brief disturbance in brain function in which there is a loss of awareness. The term meaning inflammation of the spinal cord is ___________. This term also means inflammation of bone marrow.

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How does a person with persistent vegetative state sleep?

Patients with PVS have no cerebral cortical function (they are unconscious and unaware), but exhibit irregular circadian sleep–wake cycles with either full or partial hypothalamic and brainstem autonomic functions, and persisting reflexes.

A patient in a persistent vegetative state sleeps through the night and is awake and conscious during the day. a. True b. False A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks.

What does the term persistent vegetative state mean?

The term persistent vegetative state describes patients who, after recovery from coma, return to a state of wakefulness without cognition. A persistent vegetative state is a form of eyes-open permanent unconsciousness with loss of cognitive function and awareness of the environment but preservation of sleep-wake cycles and vegetative function.

Is the minimally conscious state the same as vegetative state?

The so-called minimally conscious state designates a state in which patients exhibit inconsistent but discernible evidence of consciousness. It is thus quite distinct from the vegetative state, but it remains difficult to define.