What is the life expectancy of someone diagnosed with leukemia?

What is the life expectancy of someone diagnosed with leukemia?

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL): In general, the disease goes into remission in nearly all children who have it. More than four out of five children live at least 5 years. The prognosis for adults is not as good. Only 25 to 35 percent of adults live 5 years or longer.

What stage of leukemia can be cured?

Leukemia is the cancer of the blood-forming tissues that includes bone marrow and lymphatic system. Adults and children are equally affected by Leukemia, which is seen as production of abnormal white blood cells by the bone marrow.

What is the treatment for childhood leukemia?

The main treatment for childhood leukemia is chemotherapy. For some children with higher risk leukemias, high-dose chemotherapy may be given along with a stem cell transplant. Other treatments such as targeted drugs, immunotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy may be used in special circumstances.

Can a child be diagnosed with acute leukemia?

However, what many people don’t realize is that we can treat every person diagnosed with acute leukemia, no matter their age and medical condition. Leukemia is often considered a childhood illness. Even though it is one of the most common childhood cancers, the blood disorder cancer actually affects far more adults.

Can a stem cell transplant help a child with leukemia?

For some children in high-risk groups, a stem cell transplant might be an option at this time once the leukemia is in remission. If the leukemia remains in remission after induction and consolidation, maintenance therapy can begin.

Are there any treatment options for older adults with leukemia?

There are treatment options for patients of all ages, include chemotherapy and blood transfusions. We often joke — though it is no joking matter — that leukemia needs a better press agent. The older patient is often pleasantly surprised to hear what we have to say about options for treating them. I have treated patients as old as 99.

What can you do for a child with leukemia?

Immunotherapy helps the body’s own immune system attack the leukemia. Some newer types of immune treatments, such as CAR T-cell therapy, are now being used for some hard-to-treat leukemias. A stem cell transplant (SCT) can sometimes be used for children whose chances of cure are not as good with standard doses of chemo.

Can a 99 year old be diagnosed with leukemia?

If you are an older adult diagnosed with leukemia, you have treatment options — even at age 99.

How can a doctor tell if a child has leukemia?

They can help the doctor tell if the child has leukemia, as well as find out what kind of leukemia it is. Other blood tests: If the child does have leukemia, other blood tests will be done to see how well the liver, kidneys, and other organs are working. Chest x-ray: A chest x-ray can help tell if organs or lymph nodes in the chest are swollen.

There are treatment options for patients of all ages, include chemotherapy and blood transfusions. We often joke — though it is no joking matter — that leukemia needs a better press agent. The older patient is often pleasantly surprised to hear what we have to say about options for treating them. I have treated patients as old as 99.