What is the difference between Oligospermia and aspermia?

What is the difference between Oligospermia and aspermia?

Aspermia: complete absence of seminal fluid emission upon ejaculation. Oligospermia: low sperm count, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as concentrations less than 15 million sperm/mL, which is consistent with the 5th percentile for fertile men.

What is aspermia and what are its causes?

The condition can be attributed to a number of factors such as retrograde ejaculation, ejaculatory duct obstruction, and anejaculation. In some cases, aspermia occurs as a result of surgical procedures done in the past, by nerve damage caused by disease or congenital cysts which can all be treated.

What does the medical term azoospermia mean?

Azoospermia is the medical term used when there are no sperm in the ejaculate. It can be “obstructive,” where there is a blockage preventing sperm from entering the ejaculate, or it can be “nonobstructive” when it is due to decreased sperm production by the testis.

What causes aspermia?

Two major causes of aspermia are retrograde ejaculation, ejaculatory duct obstruction [2-4], and sexual dysfunction [5]. In a 9-year prospective monocentre study on 1737 patients to study the causes of male infertility, the main cause of aspermia was severe sexual dysfunction (71.7% of aspermia patients).

What does aspermia stand for in medical terms?

Aspermia is the complete lack of semen with ejaculation (not to be confused with azoospermia, the lack of sperm cells in the semen).

What is the difference between aspermia and azoospermia?

Aspermia refers to complete absence of semen at ejaculation whilst azoospermia refers to complete absence of sperm in semen and it is one of the major causes of male infertility. Aspermia is a very rare condition in which men cannot ejaculate, and thus to produce a semen sample for example even for seminal analysis.

What are the symptoms of aspermia in men?

The major symptom is the complete absence of semen after ejaculation. There are also a few other symptoms that indicate that a man could be suffering from the condition: Aspermia comes with a few risk factors that need to be given attention along with the treatment for this condition.

Where does the sperm come from that causes aspermia?

Inside the prostate gland, the sperm cells are incorporated with secretions coming from the prostate gland, the semininal vesicles and from the Cowper’s gland, which becomes the semen that is released during periods of ejaculation from the penis. There are two noted causes of aspermia: retrograde ejaculation and ejaculatory duct obstruction.