What is the difference between bioidentical hormones and estradiol?

What is the difference between bioidentical hormones and estradiol?

Bioidentical hormones (such as estradiol, estriol and progesterone) have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your body. Synthetic hormones (such as Premarin and Provera) do not have the same molecular structure as the hormones in your body, but your body converts them to a usable form.

Can you gain weight from bioidentical hormones?

The most commonly reported side effects with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy were weight gain (37.2%), breast tenderness (19.2%) and bloating (23.1%).

How are bioidentical hormones different from hormones made in the body?

The distinction is that bioidentical hormones are identical in their molecular shape, make-up, and structure to hormones made in the human body. This is what makes bioidentical hormones the perfect “keys” to unlock the body’s receptor sites.

How to talk to your doctor about bioidentical hormones?

Choices for prescription-based bioidentical progesterone include Crinone Vaginal Gel in 4% or 8% concentration or in an oral micronized form such as Prometrium capsules. How to Talk to Your Doctor I receive letters almost daily from women who have taken the initiative to offer their health care providers information on bioidentical hormones.

Where can I get bioidentical hormones for menopause?

The unregulated form of bioidentical hormones can be prescribed by a clinician who has not had recognised menopause training. They are made up by compounding pharmacies which means the pharmacist will mix and make up a dosage based on your individual prescription.

Do you need to know about hormone health?

The team at Hormone Health only use regulated and licensed medicines following NICE and British Menopause Society guidelines, using plant-based hormones rather than the synthetic hormones used in traditional HRT. At Hormone Health, we only use regulated bioidentical HRT.

What are bio-identical hormones anyway?

Bioidentical hormones are manmade hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are among those most commonly replicated and used in treatment.

What exactly is a bio-identical hormone?

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that look exactly like the same hormones that your own body produces naturally. The term bioidentical hormone is often used interchangeably with the term body identical hormone, but both terms are used to describe the same thing.

What are the dangers of bioidentical hormones?

Additionally, bioidentical hormones have sever toxic side effects. Each bioidentical hormone has its own side effects. Estrogen is associated with increased risk of: heart attack, stroke, dementia, gallbladder problems, hypertension, liver impairment, high blood sugar and breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.

Can bio identical hormones be taken indefinitely?

They are active hormones, identical to the ones our bodies made when we were young. They are made in a lab from soy and yam oils. Dr. Schwartz also says that the prescription bioidentical hormones are best made by a compounding pharmacy and can be taken indefinitely.