What is the CPT code for colpopexy?

What is the CPT code for colpopexy?

CPT 2004 includes a new code for laparoscopic colpopexy (Table 1). Before it was introduced, this procedure was reported using an unlisted CPT code, which meant the physician had to submit documentation for the procedure and manually process the claim.

What is the CPT code for uterosacral ligament fixation?

uterosacral ligament fixation. The preferred alternative code for such a procedure would be CPT code 58999 (unlisted procedure, female genital system, non-obstetrical) with reference to either CPT code 57283 (colpopexy vaginal, intraperitoneal) or perhaps 57270 (repair of enterocele, abdominal approach, separate procedure) if enterocele is present.

What is CPT code 57425 for sacral colpopexy?

of a laparoscopic procedure. As with CPT code 57425 it is specific to a procedure which includes an artificial graft placed on the anterior and posterior vaginal walls and affixed to the sacrum. Open uterosacral ligament fixations, should be coded in a manner like that described in the preceding

When do you need a colpopexy after a hysterectomy?

These procedures are used to support the vaginal apex in the setting of vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy and are also performed concomitantly with hysterectomy to correct symptomatic prolapse of the uterus and vaginal apex.

What is the CPT code for vaginal colpopexy?

vaginal apex from shortened, plicated uterosacral ligaments in a manner analogous to the vaginal uterosacral ligament fixation. The preferred alternative code for such a procedure would be CPT code 58999 (unlisted procedure, female genital system, non-obstetrical) with reference to either CPT code

What do you need to know about colpopexy vaginal prolapse?

Colpopexy-Vaginal Prolapse Many women experience vaginal prolapse, which is a condition that results from the weakening of the muscles that support a woman’s pelvis. The weakened muscles allow the urethra, uterus, bladder, or the rectum to drop down into the vagina. In extreme cases of muscle weakening, the organs may protrude out of the vagina.

These procedures are used to support the vaginal apex in the setting of vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy and are also performed concomitantly with hysterectomy to correct symptomatic prolapse of the uterus and vaginal apex.

uterosacral ligament fixation. The preferred alternative code for such a procedure would be CPT code 58999 (unlisted procedure, female genital system, non-obstetrical) with reference to either CPT code 57283 (colpopexy vaginal, intraperitoneal) or perhaps 57270 (repair of enterocele, abdominal approach, separate procedure) if enterocele is present.