What is the best resource for friends and family of alcoholics?

What is the best resource for friends and family of alcoholics?

Al-Anon is one of the oldest and largest support groups in the world for friends and family of alcoholics.

What is the Al-Anon program?

Al-Anon Family Groups, founded in 1951, is a “worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.” Alateen “is part of the Al-Anon fellowship designed for the younger relatives and …

How does Alanon help?

The Purpose of Al-Anon Meetings Al-Anon has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics. Al-Anon practices the Twelve Steps by welcoming and giving comfort to families of those struggling with alcohol abuse and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.

How can you help someone who has an alcohol use disorder?

Things that can HELP:

  • Choose a time when your loved one is not drinking and you’re both calm and focused.
  • Express your concerns in a caring way.
  • Encourage your loved one to open up about the reasons why they’re abusing alcohol.
  • Consider staging a family meeting or an intervention if you’d rather not go it alone.

    Is Al-Anon for codependency?

    In codependency recovery, he or she learns this worry itself exists only in the mind. Similar to a recovering addict, a recovering codependent requires a great deal of support and help, whether through their own 12-Step program such as Al-Anon, or through professional help, or both.

    What are the principles of Al-Anon?

    Al-Anon has three sets of guiding principles called Three Legacies. These include “Recovery through the Twelve Steps,” “Unity through the Twelve Traditions,” and “Service through the Twelve Concepts of Service.”

    What are the spiritual principles of Al-Anon?

    The 12 spiritual principles of recovery are as follows: acceptance, hope, faith, courage, honesty, patience, humility, willingness, brotherly-love, integrity, self-discipline, and service.

    What do you say to someone who drinks too much?

    Things you might say:

    1. ‘I’m a bit worried about your drinking. ‘
    2. ‘I want to talk to you about something: I feel that your drinking is causing you some problems. ‘
    3. ‘You seem to be drinking more lately and I think it’s having a bad effect on us. ‘
    4. ‘The family cannot afford the money you spend on alcohol. ‘

    What to do for a family member of an alcoholic?

    This may mean setting ground rules and joining a support group such as Al-Anon, designed specifically to meet the needs of families of alcoholics. Women and men married to alcoholics openly weep during support groups about the pain of loving someone who is slowly committing suicide by drinking.

    Where can I go to support group for alcoholics?

    No matter where you live you can find a local meeting or attend an online group. AL-ATEEN is for young people whose lives have been affected by another’s problem drinking. Usually it’s a parent, but it could be a sibling, friend, or anybody whose drinking has harmed you.

    Is there any way to help someone with an alcohol problem?

    However, there are many ways that you can help this person without actually enabling him or her. If you know someone with an alcohol problem, your natural reaction may be to do everything in your power to help. However, it is often difficult to tell where alcohol abuse ends and alcohol addiction begins. How to Talk to a Family Member?

    Are there support groups for family members of drug addicts?

    NAR-ANON is a Twelve Step organization for people who have been hurt by the drug abuse of a family member or friend. When somebody you love is addicted, their drug abuse affects your life in a multitude of ways.