What is the best over the counter treatment for plantar warts?

What is the best over the counter treatment for plantar warts?

If you decide to treat your own wart, your first-choice remedy should be an over-the-counter medication in liquid, gel, pad, or ointment form. Most of these contain salicylic acid, which softens abnormal skin cells and dissolves them. Some examples are Compound W, Duofilm, and Occlusal HP.

Which is the best treatment for plantar warts?

Putting a mild acid called salicylic acid on the wart, Putting a strong medicine called cantharidin on the wart, and Having minor surgery to take off the wart. At the St. Jude Podiatry Clinic, the doctor usually does cantharidin treatment first. This treatment is inexpensive and usually works.

How are plantar warts treated at St Judes?

If cantharidin treatment does not work, the doctor might do minor surgery to take off the wart. This is done at the St. Jude Podiatry Clinic. First, your child gets an injection (shot) to numb his foot. Then the doctor uses a small blade to take off the wart. After that, your child’s foot is bandaged, and you can leave the clinic.

What’s the best way to get rid of a wart?

These include: Putting a mild acid called salicylic acid on the wart, Putting a strong medicine called cantharidin on the wart, and Having minor surgery to take off the wart. At the St. Jude Podiatry Clinic, the doctor usually does cantharidin treatment first. This treatment is inexpensive and usually works.

Where can I buy salicylic acid for plantar warts?

Aside from salicylic acid, you can also buy “ freezing sprays ” at the drugstore for plantar warts. These liquid nitrogen-containing products are designed to mimic the effects of cryotherapy at a doctor’s office. The spray works by creating a blister-like injury that sticks to the wart. Once the blister heals, the wart will go away too.

What is the most effective treatment for plantar warts?

One set of medical guidelines considers salicylic acid to be the most effective first-line treatment for plantar warts, flat and common warts on the hand, and flat warts on the face (Sterling JC, Handfield-Jones S, Hudson PM.

What kind of Doctor is better for a plantar wart?

If you have a single plantar wart that hurts like hell and you want to treat it quickly, experts suggest seeing your dermatologist or podiatrist . The wart can be professionally frozen off with liquid nitrogen, or treated with topical medications (only sold at a specialist’s office) applied by a doctor.

How do you remove a plantar wart?

You can also use banana peel to get rid of painful plantar warts. The enzymes in the banana peel helps soften the wart. When it’s softened, you can easily get rid of the wart by simply scrubbing it off with a pumice stone. Cut a piece of banana peel and tape it over the affected area.

What are the best treatments for warts?

Salicylic acid treatments are best for smaller warts that do not need to be removed urgently. Your doctor may prescribe a salicylic acid cream or lotion that is applied to your wart several times a day, or a patch that contains salicylic acid that must be worn for several days.