What is the average weight for a 6 foot 1 male?

What is the average weight for a 6 foot 1 male?

What’s my ideal body weight and BMI?

Male Female
Height Ideal Weight Ideal Weight
5′ 11″ 155 – 189 lbs. 140 – 171 lbs.
6′ 0″ 160 – 196 lbs. 144 – 176 lbs.
6′ 1″ 166 – 202 lbs. 149 – 182 lbs.

Is 5/8 a good height for men?

Well, fellas, worry no more, because a new study has revealed 5ft 8in is the ideal height for a man. This means men just below national average are the most lusted after as are women slightly above the national average.

What’s the error of the adult height calculator?

As with any other statistical method applied to an individual the one used in our adult height calculator & predictor is prone to some error. Absolute error of prediction (AEP) is defined as the magnitude of either overprediction or underprediction of height.

Which is the best height predictor for children?

Height Calculator – Child Height Predictor Children’s Adult Height Predictor for Bo Children’s Adult Height Predictor for Bo Child’s Sex Girl Boy Child’s Age <4 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8 Child’s Height Feet Inches Child’s Weight Pounds

Why does a child not reach their full height?

However, a child may not reach its full genetically-determined height potential due to other factors at play, such as: Nutrition. Inadequate nutrition, both in terms of total calories consumed and in terms of making sure all macro and micro nutrients are present in the diet, can certainly hinder growth. Hormones.

How tall should a man be to have a WTHR?

A man who is 6 feet or 183 centimeters (cm) tall, should have a waist measurement below 36 inches or 91 cm. These measurements will give a WtHR of just under 0.5.

As with any other statistical method applied to an individual the one used in our adult height calculator & predictor is prone to some error. Absolute error of prediction (AEP) is defined as the magnitude of either overprediction or underprediction of height.

How tall should I be for my height and age?

5ft 7″ (67″) 121 to 153 lbs. 159 to 185 lbs. 191 to 249 lbs. 255 to 344 lbs. 5ft 8″ (68″) 125 to 158 lbs. 164 to 190 lbs. 197 to 256 lbs. 262 to 354 lbs. 5ft 9″ (69″) 128 to 162 lbs