What is special about the frontal sinus?

What is special about the frontal sinus?

Your frontal sinuses are a pair of small, air-filled cavities located just behind your eyes in the brow region. Along with three other pairs of paranasal sinuses, these cavities produce a thin mucus that drains through your nasal passages.

What are 2 Functions of the sinuses?

The sinuses lighten the skull or improve our voices, but their main function is to produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose. This mucus layer protects the nose from pollutants, micro-organisms, dust and dirt.

Where does frontal sinus drain into?

The frontal sinus drains into the frontal recess via the middle meatus. As noted previously, this drainage can be variable, either medial or lateral to the uncinate, depending on its attachment.

What does the ethmoid sinus do?

A type of paranasal sinus (a hollow space in the bones around the nose). Ethmoid sinuses are found in the spongy ethmoid bone in the upper part of the nose between the eyes. They are lined with cells that make mucus to keep the nose from drying out.

What are the 3 functions of the sinuses?

The possible roles of the sinuses may include reducing the weight of the skull; dampening pressure; humidifying and warming inspired air; absorbing heat and insulating the brain; aiding in sound resonance; providing mechanical rigidity; and increasing the olfactory surface area.

Which sinus Cannot be palpated?

Ethmoid Sinuses There is also the ethmoid sinus, also known as the ethmoidal air cells, divided into anterior and posterior groups. They are cavities inside the nasal structure, which have thin walls, not being palpable during a facial examination.

Where are the frontal sinuses located on the face?

The frontal sinuses are one of the four pairs of paranasal sinuses that are situated behind the brow ridges.

What is the function of the sinuses in the skull?

There are four paired sinuses, named according to the bone in which they are located; maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid. The function of the sinuses is not clear. It is thought that they may contribute to the humidifying of the inspired air. They also reduce the weight of the skull.

What causes a swelling of the frontal sinus?

Frontal Sinusitis. This is a condition affecting the sinuses and is characterized by a swelling of the Frontal or Ethmoid Sinuses. It is usually caused due to a blockage or obstruction of the Ethmoid Sinuses.

When does the development of the frontal sinus begin?

While the development of sinus begins in the womb, only the ethmoid, and maxillary sinuses are found to be present at birth. Around 5% of individuals are seen to have an absence of frontal sinuses.

What is frontal sinusitis and what causes it?

The main cause of acute frontal sinusitis is mucus buildup due to sinus inflammation . Several factors may influence the amount of mucus being produced and your frontal sinus’ ability to drain the mucus: The common cold virus is the most frequent cause of acute frontal sinusitis.

What are two functions of the sinuses?

The possible roles of the sinuses may include reducing the weight of the skull; dampening pressure; humidifying and warming inspired air; absorbing heat and insulating the brain; aiding in sound resonance; providing mechanical rigidity; and increasing the olfactory surface area.

What does frontal sinus mean?

frontal sinus. n. A hollow formed on either side in the lower part of the squama of the frontal bone, communicating by the ethmoidal infundibulum with the middle meatus of the nasal cavity of the same side.

What are the symptoms of frontal sinusitis?

Facial pain around your eyes or forehead is the most common symptom of acute frontal sinusitis. Other symptoms may vary in severity depending on the type of inflammation or infection. They include: nasal discharge. feeling of pressure behind the eyes. inability to smell. cough that gets worse during the night.