What is mastication an example of?

What is mastication an example of?

Mastication is the technical word for chewing. It is the first step in digestion, in which food is broken into smaller pieces using the teeth. Grinding food increases its surface area.

What is the definition of mastication in science?

Mastication is defined as the act of chewing food (Fig. 8-2). It represents the initial stage of digestion. During mastication, the food bolus is broken down into small particles for ease of swallowing.

What is mastication and bolus?

Abstract. The main function of mastication is to transform a solid food into a bolus that can be swallowed safely. The bolus characteristics such as particles size or cohesiveness, are continuously sensed during mastication and they are important in initiating deglutition.

How does mastication happen?

During the mastication process, the food is positioned by the cheek and tongue between the teeth for grinding. The muscles of mastication move the jaws to bring the teeth into intermittent contact, repeatedly occluding and opening. After chewing, the food (now called a bolus) is swallowed.

What is the meaning of the word mastication?

Mastication is a technical word for the act of chewing. Mastication is the noun form of the verb masticate, meaning to chew or, less commonly, to reduce to a pulp by crushing or kneading, as is done in the rubber-making process. Mastication is almost always used in a scientific or technical context.

How is mastication used to treat a forest?

Chipping, mechanical piling, crushing and mastication are frequently used forest treatment methods. Mastication treatment utilizes several different types of equipment to grind, chip, or break apart fuels such as brush, small trees and slash into small pieces.

Which is an example of a mastication dance?

Examples from the Web for mastication. It is a stately dance, whose aim is to slow down the unseemly business of mastication. The mastication causes a copious flow of saliva of a brick-red colour, which dyes the mouth, lips and gums.

What are the phases of the mastication process?

There are three phases in the physiology of mastication: the incision of food, the mastication of the bolus, and the act of swallowing. Accessory activity by the tongue and facial musculature facilitates the masticatory actions.

What manipulates food in mastication?

The tongue is a muscular organ in the mouth of most vertebrates that manipulates food for mastication and is used in the act of swallowing. It has importance in the digestive system and is the primary organ of taste in the gustatory system.

Which joint is involved in mastication?

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is the jaw joint. It is named for the temporal bone and the mandible, which are two bones that articulate at this joint. The mandible is moved by the four muscles of mastication, while the temporal bone remains in one place; in other words, mastication is accomplished by moving only the lower jaw.

Where does mastication occur?

Mastication is the process whereby food is broken down by mechanical digestion in the oral cavity. The cheeks and tongue function to position food over the teeth, where grinding can occur. Mastication requires correct muscle movements and jaw articulation.