What is it called when you have an extra kidney?

What is it called when you have an extra kidney?

Duplex kidney at a glance Duplex kidney is a developmental condition in which one or both kidneys have two ureter tubes to drain urine, rather than a single tube. Duplex kidney, also called duplicated collecting system, occurs in about 1 percent of children and usually requires no medical treatment.

What causes double kidneys?

Duplex kidney, also known as duplicated ureters or duplicated collecting system, is the most common birth defect related to the urinary tract. This occurs due to an incomplete fusion of the upper and lower pole of the kidney which creates two separate drainage systems from the kidney. Most people do not need treatment.

How common is extra kidney?

Duplex kidneys can occur in one or both kidneys. Duplex kidneys are a normal variant, meaning that they occur commonly enough in healthy children to be considered normal. They occur in 1 percent of the population, and most cause no medical problems and will require no treatment.

How do you fix a duplexed kidney?

Treatments for duplex kidneys

  1. Nephrectomy – kidney removal.
  2. Heminephrectomy – part of the affected kidney and duplicated ureter are removed.
  3. Ureteroureterostomy – in the case of an ectopic ureter, it is split near the bladder and joined to the normal ureter, allowing urine from the upper kidney to drain as normal.

How to know if you are at risk for kidney disease?

If you’re at risk for kidney disease due to high blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure or if you’re older than age 60, it’s important to get tested annually for kidney disease. Be sure to mention any symptoms you’re experiencing to your healthcare practitioner.

What happens when a child is diagnosed with kidney disease?

Parents want to make sure their child has a healthy and happy life, but sometimes a health complication can change things. Having a child diagnosed with pediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) can leave parents feeling overwhelmed, anxious and scared for their child’s overall well-being, especially in the beginning.

What happens if you have an extra kidney?

Supernumerary Kidney: An Extra Kidney. The third kidney can obstruct the ureters or vascular and nerve elements in the abdomen, thus producing pain, problems in vascularization of pelvic organs, and signs of urinary obstruction, similar to those seen in kidney stones.

How do you find out if you have a supernumerary kidney?

Diagnosis. In most cases, a supernumerary kidney is discovered by accident when performing tests such as ultrasound imaging, intravenous urography, computerized tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging for other reasons. Ultrasound imaging and MRI are the most valuable techniques for structural evaluation of the supernumerary kidney,…

If you’re at risk for kidney disease due to high blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure or if you’re older than age 60, it’s important to get tested annually for kidney disease. Be sure to mention any symptoms you’re experiencing to your healthcare practitioner.

Supernumerary Kidney: An Extra Kidney. The third kidney can obstruct the ureters or vascular and nerve elements in the abdomen, thus producing pain, problems in vascularization of pelvic organs, and signs of urinary obstruction, similar to those seen in kidney stones.

How are Kidney tests used to diagnose kidney disease?

a urine test to check for albumin. Albumin is a protein that can pass into the urine when the kidneys are damaged. If you have kidney disease, your health care provider will use the same two tests to help monitor your kidney disease and make sure your treatment plan is working. Watch a video on how to check for kidney disease.

Diagnosis. In most cases, a supernumerary kidney is discovered by accident when performing tests such as ultrasound imaging, intravenous urography, computerized tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging for other reasons. Ultrasound imaging and MRI are the most valuable techniques for structural evaluation of the supernumerary kidney,…