What is hypertension elderly?

What is hypertension elderly?

In older adults, hypertension is characterized by an elevated systolic BP with normal or low diastolic BP caused by age-associated stiffening of the large arteries. This change in structure of conduit arteries results in an increase in pulse wave velocity.

What should I do if I have symptoms of old age?

Keep an emergency lamp near the bed. Check expiry dates of packaged food. There’s a lot you can do for the elders of your family and community to make them feel comfortable, wanted and secure. But the best thing you can give them is some of your time, spent meaningfully with them.

What are some of the challenges of old age?

One of the biggest challenges in the elderly is to prevent a fall. Like children, the elderly are very prone to falls and with weak bones they are at higher risk of fractures and head injuries. If balance is not good, physiotherapy exercises can help to restore balance.

What to do for an older patient with hyperthyroidism?

As with younger patients, treatment of hyperthyroidism in the older patient includes antithyroid drugs and radioactive iodine (see Hyperthyroidism brochure). Surgery is rarely recommended due to increased operative risks in the older patient.

How to deal with fatigue in older adults?

Here are some suggestions: Keep a fatigue diary to help you find patterns throughout the day when you feel more or less tired. Exercise regularly. Almost anyone, at any age, can do some type of physical activity. Try to avoid long naps (over 30 minutes) late in the day.

Can a person over 80 be treated for high blood pressure?

But now an expert panel convened by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA) endorses treatment for patients over age 80. Because blood -pressure-lowering drugs can have dangerous side effects in very elderly patients, doctors have been wary of aggressively treating high blood pressure in people over age 80.

Is the elderly at risk for covid-19?

COVID-19 will not cause severe symptoms in many people who contract it. However, the elderly, especially those with preexisting conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease, may be severely affected.

Is it normal for older adults to forget things?

Many older adults worry about their memory and other thinking abilities. For example, they might be concerned about taking longer than before to learn new things, or they may sometimes forget to pay a bill. These changes are usually signs of mild forgetfulness — often a normal part of aging — not serious memory problems.

Is it appropriate for an 80 year old to take chemotherapy?

While one 80-year-old may tolerate a standard course of chemotherapy perfectly well, the next may not. Add to that the fact that many older people have several health conditions for which they take multiple medications — the average 75-year-old is on seven a day — and the importance of personalizing care becomes even more obvious.