What is causing my chronic hiccups?

What is causing my chronic hiccups?

Some illnesses for which continuing hiccups may be a symptom include: pleurisy of the diaphragm, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, disorders of the stomach or esophagus, and bowel diseases. Hiccups may also be associated with pancreatitis, pregnancy, bladder irritation, liver cancer or hepatitis.

Is there a medicine to stop hiccups?

Various agents have been reported to cure hiccups. Chlorpromazine appears to be the drug of choice. Haloperidol and metoclopramide have been used successfully. Several anticonvulsant agents (eg, phenytoin, valproic acid, and carbamazepine) have effectively treated intractable hiccups in typical anticonvulsant doses.

How long does a bout of hiccups last?

For most people, a bout of hiccups usually lasts only a few minutes. Rarely, hiccups may persist for months. This can result in weight loss and exhaustion. Hiccupping is a symptom.

Can a chronic Hiccup be a health issue?

Since chronic hiccups cause health issues and can also be a sign of a larger health concern, the majority of treatments require the help of a medical professional. You usually can’t treat the issue yourself or resolve the problem at home.

When to see a doctor about your hiccups?

Hiccupping is a symptom. It may sometimes be accompanied by a slight tightening sensation in your chest, abdomen or throat. When to see a doctor Make an appointment to see your doctor if your hiccups last more than 48 hours or if they are so severe that they cause problems with eating, sleeping or breathing.

Why are men more likely to get hiccups?

Risk factors. Men are much more likely to develop long-term hiccups than are women. Other factors that may increase your risk of hiccups include: Mental or emotional issues. Anxiety, stress and excitement have been associated with some cases of short-term and long-term hiccups. Surgery.

Are there any inherited cases of chronic hiccups?

Listen Chronic hiccups are not thought to be inherited. Most cases occur sporadically in people with no family history of the condition. Last updated: 8/24/2015

For most people, a bout of hiccups usually lasts only a few minutes. Rarely, hiccups may persist for months. This can result in weight loss and exhaustion. Hiccupping is a symptom.

Can a chronic Hiccup cause you to lose weight?

Chronic hiccups can also lead to severe weight loss because they can affect your appetite or desire to eat. Chronic hiccups are very rare, but they tend to happen more often in men than in women. Other people who may have a higher risk of getting chronic hiccups include those who:

When to see a doctor for chronic hiccups?

While one-time or occasional hiccups are common and resolve quickly, chronic hiccups are very rare and more difficult to treat. It is important that you see a medical professional if you have hiccups that last more than two days, as they could be a symptom of a serious medical condition.