What is an early age for menstruation?

What is an early age for menstruation?

Most girls start their periods when they’re about 12, but they can start as early as 8, so it’s important to talk to girls from an early age to make sure they’re prepared.

Why did I miss my period at 44 years old?

However, a whole number of other causes such as stress, nutrient status or changes in body weight or exercise regimes can also have an effect on your period. Another possibility is that you are approaching the menopause. On average in the UK women approach the menopause between the ages of 45 and 55 years old.

Can a 45 year old woman be pregnant ten years after?

My husband had a vasectomy 17 years ago, so no way I’m pregnant, but I’m 11 days late, and I am NEVER late. I feel like I have morning sickness,cramped up really bad for 2 weeks, so I sympathize with the rest of you going through the same thing. It sucks! For about 3 years I was getting hot flashes like crazy. I would shower 3 or 4 times a day!

Is it normal to not have a period for a year?

Ill be 45 next month. Super long periods for the last year (9 to 12 days) and now nothing. I’m really late. Weird or normal? Loading… louise over a year ago

How often do women usually get their period?

On average, most women usually get their periods every 28 days. But a menstrual cycle in a healthy woman can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. Apart from puberty, menopause, and pregnancy, a missed period may be an indication of a health issue.

Is it normal for your period to stop at 45?

Never had any problems (no birth control ever used, no children, no pregnancies) and suddenly at 45 “processes” stopped for a month (totally freaking me out!) and then went on straight for a month. Took ten days off again, and now I’ve been having a period for 2 months straight, with varying heaviness.

Is it normal for women to have more periods after 40?

Because there’s no “normal” when it comes to your menstrual cycle, some women might actually experience more periods post-40. In some cases, “estrogen and progesterone surges during the menstrual cycle become shorter and higher,” says Dr. Gupta. “That means your periods could come closer together.” Your flow might get heavier

When did my period start for the first time?

At first it was great, it made me nice and regular, but the past three months or so have been iffy. Skipped December, on time in January, then another two weeks later that just went right into February and into the time when it should have started. What gives!

When does the next menstrual cycle start and end?

■ Your next menstrual period is most likely to start on December 16, 2014; ■ You next period will end on December 19, 2014; ■ This is the Period calendar for the next 12 months: