What is a wedge excision?

What is a wedge excision?

(wej ree-SEK-shun) Surgery to remove a triangle-shaped slice of tissue. It may be used to remove a tumor and a small amount of normal tissue around it. Enlarge. Wedge resection of the lung.

What is shortened esophagus?

Intrinsic shortening of the esophagus results most commonly from the chronic inflammation that accompanies gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD primarily occurs as a result of a dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that allows either acid or alkaline contents to regurgitate up into the esophagus.

Is a wedge resection painful?

During the Procedure This will include administration of general anesthesia, which will allow you to sleep through the procedure and feel no pain. A wedge resection can be done either through a thoracotomy (open chest surgery) or via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS).

How long does a wedge resection take?

The surgery can usually take three to four hours, but the patient may ask the doctor about the duration of their surgery because the doctor can guide them more accurately.

How do they lengthen the esophagus?

Your doctor carefully passes tiny tools through the endoscope and uses them to widen the stricture. Alternatively, your doctor might spray a local anesthetic to the back of your throat and then pass a weighted dilator through your mouth and into your esophagus.

Is hiatus hernia congenital?

Hiatal hernias are very common. The problem occurs often in people over 50 years. This condition may be linked to reflux (backflow) of gastric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Children with this condition are most often born with it (congenital).

How long does it take to do an esophageal resection?

In this case an esophagogastrectomy will usually be performed to remove the cancerous part of the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach. An esophagectomy takes about 6 hours to perform. The patient will be given general anesthesia, keeping him or her unconscious and free of pain during surgery.

How is the stomach part of the esophagus removed?

Part of the stomach or intestine may be used to make this connection. Several surgical techniques and approaches (ways to enter the body) are used, depending on how much or which part of the esophagus needs to be removed; whether or not part of the stomach will be removed; the patient’s overall condition; and the surgeon’s preference.

Can a wedge pillow help with acid reflux?

When you sleep flat on your back or stomach, digestive acids are more likely to travel upward from the stomach into the esophagus. You can use a wedge pillow for acid reflux issues as the elevation stops the backward flow of stomach acid. This can be just as beneficial for women who are pregnant and deal with acid reflux.

How are lymph nodes removed in an esophageal resection?

Esophagectomy is also a treatment for esophageal dysplasia (Barrett’s esophagus), which is a precancerous condition of the cells in the lining of the esophagus. Lymph nodes are removed to be tested for the presence of cancer cells, which helps to determine if the cancer is spreading.

How big should a wedge pillow be for acid reflux?

Most pillows on the market are elevated between 30 and 45 degrees, or 6 to 8 inches at the top. Wedge pillows for acid reflux and GERD are sturdy and ergonomically designed. As time passes, however, they will lose their shape and firmness.

What happens after the removal of the esophagus?

Removal of the esophagus requires reconnecting the remaining part of the esophagus to the stomach to allow swallowing and the continuing passage of food. Part of the stomach or intestine may be used to make this connection.

How to regain weight after an esophagectomy?

I found that eating smaller meals was the key to getting enough nutrition to maintain my weight. In time, I would regain some of what I had lost during seven months of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Instead of the standard three meals a day, I needed to eat six times daily.

What kind of cancer can be removed from the esophagus?

Cancer of the top layer of the esophageal lining is called squamous cell carcinoma; it can occur anywhere along the esophagus, but appears most often in the middle and upper portions. It can spread extensively within the esophagus, requiring the surgical removal of large parts of the esophagus.