What is a palate mass?

What is a palate mass?

A mass or a growth in the palate can result from a range of pathologies, such as periapical lesion, periodontal diseases, reactive process, minor salivary gland pathologies, or a neoplastic process [1]. They may be painful when infected or painless as in the case of benign tumours.

What is palatal lesion?

Palatal lesions include a variety of pathological types,1 and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most common malignancy. Tumours of the minor salivary glands are the most common type of submucosal masses, and malignant tumours account for approximately half of them.

Why do I have a black dot in my mouth?

A variety of harmless conditions can cause discoloration in your mouth, such as moles, hyperpigmentation, and leakage from your dental fillings. In extremely rare cases, a black spot may be a sign of a type of cancer called oral melanoma.

Why do I have a mass in my palate?

A mass or a growth in the palate can result from a range of pathologies, such as periapical lesion, periodontal diseases, reactive process, minor salivary gland pathologies, or a neoplastic process [ 1 ]. They may be painful when infected or painless as in the case of benign tumours. They may be congenital or acquired in origin.

Can a soft palate mass be a tumor?

Palatal masses can at times be difficult for a surgeon to diagnose. A mass of the palate can result from developmental, inflammatory, reactive or a neoplastic process. In differential diagnosis, mass of odontogenic/nerve origin (cyst or tumor) must be considered because they are equally common.

Where does the Palatine mass in the mouth come from?

These masses commonly originate from the submandibular or sublingual gland, but a frequently missed lesion is the torus palatinus, found on the hard palate. We present a case of torus palatinus, which put a patient under a lot of stress when she mistook this mass as a cancer of the mouth.

What kind of mass is in the osseous hard palate?

Several benign conditions that affect the osseous hard palate may present as a palatal mass. These include both the nasopalatine duct cyst and torus palatinus. The most common is the torus palatinus, which is a hamartoma that nearly always presents as a firm palatal mass located in the midline.

Can a malignant condition cause a palatal mass?

Both benign and malignant conditions may present as a palatal mass. Fortunately, the majority of these are benign and, due to the location, are recognized and subsequently managed early. Several benign conditions that affect the osseous hard palate may present as a palatal mass.

These masses commonly originate from the submandibular or sublingual gland, but a frequently missed lesion is the torus palatinus, found on the hard palate. We present a case of torus palatinus, which put a patient under a lot of stress when she mistook this mass as a cancer of the mouth.

Several benign conditions that affect the osseous hard palate may present as a palatal mass. These include both the nasopalatine duct cyst and torus palatinus. The most common is the torus palatinus, which is a hamartoma that nearly always presents as a firm palatal mass located in the midline.

Are there any benign conditions in the hard palate?

Both benign and malignant conditions may present as a palatal mass. Fortunately, the majority of these are benign and, due to the location, are recognized and subsequently managed early. Several benign conditions that affect the osseous hard palate may present as a palatal mass. These include both the nasopalatine duct cyst and torus palatinus.