What is a hearing aid consultation?

What is a hearing aid consultation?

The hearing aid consultation is a multi-step process. Your audiologist will discuss the different types of hearing aids available and help you select one that is appropriate for your lifestyle and hearing needs. This involves programming your hearing aids to the optimum settings for your specific hearing needs.

What happens at first hearing aid appointment?

4 Things to Expect at Your First Audiologist Appointment

  • Your medical history. If you’re attending your first appointment, it’s common to be asked to fill in a form, which includes details about your health and your medical history.
  • Talking about your hearing.
  • Hearing tests.
  • Talking about the results.

    What questions do audiologists ask?

    Hearing Case History

    • What brought you here today?
    • Have you noticed problems with your hearing?
    • Do you have problems hearing in one ear or both ears?
    • Did your hearing loss happen all of a sudden?
    • Do you have ringing in your ears?
    • Have you had a lot of ear infections?
    • Do you have any pain in your ears?

    What do you need to know about a hearing aid?

    A hearing aid is a battery-powered electronic device designed to improve your hearing. Small enough to wear in or behind your ear, they make some sounds louder. They may help you hear better when it’s quiet and when it’s noisy.

    Are there different types of hearing aids for hearing loss?

    There are other types of hearing aids for specific types of hearing loss. For example, one type uses a bone vibrator for people without an ear canal or outer ear. Others may attach to eyeglasses. Ask about other devices that may make your hearing aids work better in certain settings.

    Where do the electronic parts of a hearing aid go?

    The electronic parts are held in the case behind the ear. Sound travels from the hearing aid through the earmold and into the ear. BTE aids are used by people of all ages for mild to profound hearing loss. A new kind of BTE aid is an open-fit hearing aid.

    How does a computer work with a hearing aid?

    A computer chip with an amplifier converts the incoming sound into digital code. It analyzes and adjusts the sound based on your hearing loss, listening needs and the level of the sounds around you. The amplified signals are then converted back into sound waves and delivered to your ears through speakers, sometimes called receivers.

    Do hearing aids really help?

    Hearing aids can help those with mild to severe hearing loss. While a hearing aid cannot fill in the gap for the hearing loss, it can help magnify what you can hear and improve your quality of life. With a hearing aid, you are in control.

    What are the types of hearing aid?

    There are three main styles of hearing aids. They differ in size, placement in or on the ear, and how well they make sound louder: Canal hearing aids fit inside your ear and are harder to see. An in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid fits your specific ear canal. A completely-in-canal (CIC) aid is smaller and nearly hidden in your ear.

    What is type hearing aids?

    Types of hearing aids include: Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. These have two main parts. In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids. These fit completely inside the outer ear. Canal hearing aids. These fit directly in the ear canal and come in two slightly different styles.

    What are hearing aids?

    Hearing aids are electrical devices that assist perception of speech or other sounds. We are generally in favor of hearing aids in persons with significant hearing loss.