What helps increase white blood cells?

What helps increase white blood cells?

Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. With such a variety to choose from, it’s easy to add a squeeze of this vitamin to any meal.

How to increase white blood cells in the body?

Vitamin A Increasing your daily intake of vitamin A will increase the number of lymphocyte white blood cells in your body. These cells attack and kill foreign invaders as well as cancer cells. Your body does produce some vitamin A, but a good supplement will add to your immune fighting capabilities. 9. Yogurt

What do vitamins do for white blood cells?

Vitamin A also helps your body create white blood cells, specifically the type of white blood cell called a lymphocyte. Lymphocytes attack foreign invaders and cancer cells and help produce proteins called antibodies, which also help fight off infections.

What foods are good for white blood cell count?

Probiotics found in yogurt have been associated with stronger immune systems, which increase antibodies in boosted white blood cell counts. You can use vegan yogurt. 3. Vitamin C. This vitamin has been shown to increase interferon (a protein) which protects your blood cells from viruses.

What do you need to know about white blood cells?

Folic Acid Recommendations Your body also needs folic acid, also referred to as folate, to create the white blood cells called neutrophils 4. It is important to consume enough folic acid on a daily basis to allow your body to create white blood cells.

Are there foods that increase white blood cells?

Zinc is one of the best foods to increase white blood cells you should consume. Shellfish and dark meat are full of zinc. According to a 2019 study, zinc plays an important role in improving human health [7].

How do you increase white blood cells naturally?

Fruits such as figs, melons, oranges or strawberries and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, beets and spinach are known to naturally increase your white blood cell count.

How do you build white blood cells naturally?

Fruits and vegetables. Fruits such as figs, melons, oranges or strawberries and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli , asparagus, cauliflower , beets and spinach are known to naturally increase your white blood cell count.

What herbs increase white blood cell count?

Ligustrum — a shrub indigenous to certain parts of Asia — is a frequently prescribed herb to help increase white blood cell count. Tilgner reports that ligustrum is often used to increase white blood cell production and may work well in combination with the herb astragalus in treating certain types of cancer.