What happens when you have a second baby?

What happens when you have a second baby?

It’s inevitable that you and baby no. 2 will be attached at the boob or the bottle. Your oldest child may feel left out or latch onto your spouse and ignore your existence. She may even be down right cruel to you, like a tiny, Cheerio-crumb-covered mean girl. It may even hurt your feelings, but don’t worry.

Is it normal to have second thoughts about a relationship?

Everyone has second thoughts but that isn’t a reason to run away from it all. Having second thoughts when your relationship becomes more serious and a lot more real is normal. This shouldn’t be considered as a sign for you to start withdrawing from the relationship.

What to do when you have second thoughts about something?

If you’re having second thoughts just put yourself in the airport situation. Imagine that you are at the airport with your partner and the reason you are there is to send them off knowing that you might never hear from them or see them again. “Deeply imagine this and pay attention to the physical sensations that arise in your body,” Wright says.

What happens to your life when you have a second baby?

When you have a second baby, things are a bit different than the first time around. You will less concerned about being the perfect parent. Time alone with your partner and friends is even more important. Everything changes once you become a parent.

What do you need to know about having a second Kid?

Kid no. 2 is going to add so much delight and joy to everyone’s lives! And double the amount of Sharpie scribbles all over your new coffee table, yes. But also — joy! 4. You will forget how to do all the newborn things. Weird, watery mustard-colored poops. Diaper explosions. That disgusting, dangling belly button scab.

What do people say when you tell them you have a second baby?

You will be too busy wiping up the trail of toddler urine on the floor right next to the Goldfish crumbs your firstborn crushed into the carpet to even register that another kid is growing inside of you. When people ask you about your birth plan, you will shrug and say, “I don’t care as long as I get Burger King after.”

What do you forget when you have a second baby?

You will forget how to do all the newborn things. Weird, watery mustard-colored poops. Diaper explosions. That disgusting, dangling belly button scab. Wrangling their oh-so-tiny bodies in the newborn tub as they wail. Getting them to latch onto the boob.