What happens when you get a positive HPV test?

What happens when you get a positive HPV test?

A positive HPV test can be a surprise, but knowing the facts can give you relief. Four out of five people will get it at some point. We all hope the awkwardness is over after we get our Pap and HPV tests. So hearing that you have tested positive for HPV can be a blow. What happens next? Well, for one, you’re not alone.

When to stop cervical cancer screening if you have HPV?

Most women will be able to stop screening at 65, depending on their medical history. If you get a positive HPV test, your physician has detected one or more high risk strains of the virus on the Pap test of your cervix. If the virus stays with you for a long time, it can cause cell changes that can lead to several types of cancer.

When did my first HPV smear come back?

This is my first smear, aged 24 as just had a baby, and the smear was done three and half months post birth. I had an emergency c section and lost two litres of blood so very much a weakened immune system! Hey! I’m so glad to hear your second smear all came back fine!

How long does it take for HPV to show up in your system?

With HPV it can be very difficult to pinpoint when you were exposed, because it’s possible that the virus was in your system for a long time before it was detected. People often never know they have caught it or passed it on. “HPV could’ve been there for years before it shows up, if it ever does,” says Ramondetta.

What does it mean when your HPV test comes back positive?

Ask your doctor about when you can expect to receive your test results. Results from your HPV test will come back as either positive or negative. Positive HPV test. A positive test result means that you have a type of high-risk HPV that’s linked to cervical cancer.

How many people will test positive for HPV?

This BBC article on HPV may be of interest as it addresses some of the myths about HPV (which 80% of us will test positive for at some time in our lives, even if we are only ever intimate with just one other person). Hi completely understand your confusion. I’ve had my results back this morning and also had no abnormal cells but positive HPV.

How can I find out if I have HPV?

You can contact them on 0808 800 4040, Monday – Friday between 9a.m – 5p.m. This BBC article on HPV may be of interest as it addresses some of the myths about HPV (which 80% of us will test positive for at some time in our lives, even if we are only ever intimate with just one other person).

How long does it take for a HPV test to clear?

HPV spreads through sexual contact and is very common in young people — frequently, the test results will be positive. However, HPV infections often clear on their own within a year or two. Cervical changes that lead to cancer usually take several years — often 10 years or more — to develop.