What happens when a heart attack occurs?
What happens when a heart attack occurs?
When a heart attack occurs, the heart muscle that has lost blood supply begins to suffer injury. The amount of damage to the heart muscle depends on the size of the area supplied by the blocked artery and the time between injury and treatment. Heart muscle damaged by a heart attack heals by forming scar tissue.
What happens when you die from a heart attack?
The ventricles may flutter or quiver (ventricular fibrillation), and blood is not delivered to the body. In the first few minutes, the greatest concern is that blood flow to the brain will be reduced so drastically that a person will lose consciousness. Death follows unless emergency treatment is begun immediately.
What happens to a person during a massive heart attack?
A massive heart attack affects a large portion of the heart muscle, or causes a large amount of heart damage. This can happen if the blockage in a coronary artery occurs in a large artery that supplies a large portion of the heart; completely blocks blood flow to the heart; or lasts for a long period of time.
What makes a person have a heart attack?
Most heart attacks happen because of a blockage in the blood vessels that supply the muscles of the heart. This blockage happens because of plaque (a sticky substance that is made of fats, cholesterol and white blood cells) buildup on the arterial walls of the heart. Want to control your cholesterol levels? Here is how you can do it.
What causes a blood clot to form during a heart attack?
Causes. During a heart attack, one of these plaques can rupture and spill cholesterol and other substances into the bloodstream. A blood clot forms at the site of the rupture. If large enough, the clot can block the flow of blood through the coronary artery, starving the heart muscle of oxygen and nutrients (ischemia).
Why does your heart rate go down during a heart attack?
During a heart attack, your heart muscle receives less blood because one or more arteries that supply the muscle are blocked or spasming and unable to deliver a sufficient flow of blood.
How does a plaque rupture cause a heart attack?
If a plaque ruptures, a blood clot can form and block your arteries, causing a heart attack. During a heart attack, tissue in your heart muscle dies due to lack of blood flow through your heart’s arteries. A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is blocked.
What is the worst type of heart attack?
The Degree of Blockage of a Coronary Artery Determines the Type of Heart Attack STEMI Heart Attack. This is the deadliest type of heart attack. NSTEMI Heart Attack. This type of heart attack happens when blood flow to your heart through a coronary artery is severely restricted but not entirely blocked. Silent Heart Attack. Some people have a heart attack with mild symptoms or even none at all, known as a silent heart attack.
How do you cure a heart attack?
Antiplatelet drugs, heart bypass surgery, and clot-busting medications are a few ways to treat a heart attack. If you have symptoms of a heart attack, it’s essential to call for emergency medical care right away so that you can be evaluated and treated as soon as possible.
What triggers a heart attack?
Anger, grief, and stress are known triggers of heart problems, but joyful events can sometimes lead to a heart attack as well. It can be triggered by the kind of emotions that go along with a surprise birthday party, a wedding, or the birth of a grandchild.
How do you detect a heart attack?
Tests to diagnose a heart attack include electrocardiography (EKG), stress tests, echocardiography, cardiac MRI and nuclear imaging. A heart attack is diagnosed after the patient experiences symptoms of chest pressure, pain, difficulty breathing and suffocation.