What happens when a drug is applied to the body?

What happens when a drug is applied to the body?

When a drug is applied to a body surface (e.g., G.I. tract, skin, lungs, etc.), its rate of absorption will determine the time for its maximal concentration in plasma and at the receptor to produce its peak effect.

How are organs affected by drug and alcohol abuse?

There are 10 major organ systems in the human body, and unsurprisingly, drug and alcohol abuse affects each of them negatively. When one or more of these organs are damaged, you risk serious chronic conditions and death.

How do drugs affect the central nervous system?

Different drugs, different effects Drugs affect your body’s central nervous system. They affect how you think, feel and behave. The three main types are depressants, hallucinogens and stimulants:

How are drug side effects related to the dose response?

Most drugs exert effects on several organs or tissues, and have unwanted (side) effects as well as therapeutic effects. There is a dose-response relationship for both therapeutic and side effects. Factors in the patient that affect responses include age, weight, sex, diet, race, disease, trauma, and concurrent treatment with other drugs.

How does drug interaction affect the potency of a drug?

Drug interactions can cause an increase or decrease in the potency of a drug or result in additional side effects. The greater the number of coadministered drugs, the greater the chance of drug interaction The most common form of drug interaction results from the induction of the cytochrome P450 enzyme system.

How is the action of a drug related to its structure?

The actions of the majority of drugs are intimately related to their three-dimensional chemical structure. Seemingly minor alterations to a drug molecule can result in major changes in pharmacological properties.

When do Drugs Act throughout the body system act?

Drugs that act throughout a body system act? When a drug has a greater effect on one specific organ, it is acting? A drug that builds up in the body because it is taken in faster than it can be metabolized is acting? A synergistic drug interaction refers to?

When does a drug become poisonous to the body?

What seems to be the dosage at which a drug becomes poisonous to the body? Drugs that act throughout a body system act? When a drug has a greater effect on one specific organ, it is acting? A drug that builds up in the body because it is taken in faster than it can be metabolized is acting?