What happens the first few days after rotator cuff surgery?

What happens the first few days after rotator cuff surgery?

For the first few days after surgery, some patients find it more comfortable to sleep in a chair that reclines or with pillows propped up on their bed. Some patients purchase a shoulder support pillow system to use during recovery.

How long does it take to repair a rotator cuff?

If the repair is stressed too early, before healing has taken place, the repair will fail and then tendons will tear again.. Rotator cuff surgery is performed in the operating room under most commonly under general anesthesia ‘going to sleep’ but sometimes also with block anesthesia ‘freezing the arm’. The surgery typically takes between 1-2 hours.

What does it mean to have rotator cuff surgery?

The rotator cuff is a term for a group of four tendons in the shoulder. They connect the muscles of the shoulder blade to the top of the arm bone. As well as helping to keep the shoulder in its socket, the rotator cuff also allows the shoulder joint to have a wide range of movement.

What should I do after rotator cuff surgery?

Sleep carefully Sleeping in a somewhat upright position is often most comfortable following rotator cuff surgery and has the added benefit of helping you avoid the extra pressure on your shoulder that can result when lying flat. Use pillows to help prop you up, or place something under the mattress to raise it slightly.

Is it safe to lift weights after rotator cuff surgery?

While certain motions — particularly with the wrist and fingers — are safe to perform during recovery, avoid putting stress on your shoulder as it can delay healing. This includes such movements as reaching behind you, raising your arm overhead or out to the side, lifting anything heavy, and placing weight on your shoulder.

How to speed up the recovery from rotator cuff surgery?

To speed recovery, it is important to keep your shoulder immobilized initially after surgery so your tendon can heal. A sling provides stability and support and serves as a good reminder not to move your arm in its entirety (rotating your wrist and wiggling your fingers are OK).

When do you need surgery for a torn rotator cuff?

Your shoulder joint is made up of a group of muscles and tendons called a rotator cuff that helps hold the ends of your arm bones in the socket and facilitates various movements in your shoulder. If this muscle or tendon is torn or strained, doctors may recommend rotator cuff surgery to repair the damage.

How can you tell if a rotator cuff repair has failed?

It is not easy to tell if the rotator cuff tendon repair has failed or not. The symptoms of pain or loss of strength are common after rotator cuff surgery while the tendons are healing, and minor setback are to be expected. We do not recommend a magnetic resonance scan or other studies when these setbacks occur for several reasons.

What are the risks of rotator cuff surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, complications can happen. Some possible complications may include: The joint pain and weakness may not be relieved by the surgery. You may not recover full range of motion in the shoulder joint. Nerves or blood vessels in the area of surgery may be injured. This results in weakness or numbness.