What happens if you leave a bruise untreated?

What happens if you leave a bruise untreated?

If a bruise is left untreated, blood may continue to enter an injured area. This can cause devastating complications for athletes. Physicians can more easily help you prevent myositis if you seek treatment before bone tissue starts to form.

How long do bruises last on the legs?

How long do bruises last on the legs? Bruises on the legs seem to be the ones that take the longest to heal, especially when they are on the fleshier inner thighs. These bruises can take up to six or seven weeks to heal completely, and they will hurt much more than a bruise on the arm or face.

When to see a doctor about a leg bruise?

Leg bruises tend to linger longer than bruises on the face and arms. Some herbal ointments, such as those containing Arnica, can speed up the healing process. If after four weeks there is still discoloration and pain at the site see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Why do I have a bruise on my leg?

A bone bruise may develop as a result of a sports injury. Pain is another one of the most universal symptoms of a bone bruise. Bones damaged by bruising are typically the result of an accident or sports injury that puts sudden, immense pressure on the bone forceful enough to rupture the surrounding membrane, which allows fluids and blood to leak.

When did the bruises on my ankle go away?

A few days later, as that patch got a bit better, more purple bruises sprang up on the front of my ankle. This pic is from day 9, when the knee bruises were fading. The shin and ankle got significantly darker.

How do you treat a bruised leg?

Although there is not a bruise cure, treatment can reduce pain and swelling. One of the first things that can be done to treat a bruise on the leg is applying ice. The ice should be applied to a bruise on and off for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling and leg pain.

What is the recovery time for a bruise?

Bruises generally cause pain, swelling, and tenderness over a black and blue area of skin discoloration. As it heals, it often changes from black and blue to green and yellow. Mild contusion or bruises typically heal within about five days.

When to be concerned about a bruise?

A person should seek medical attention any time they have the following symptoms or issues associated with bruising: a suspected broken bone. loss of function of a joint, limb or muscle. increasing pain. an area is affected by a bruise that returns. there is no identifiable cause of the bruising.

What causes bruising on legs?

Other causes of unexplained bruising on the legs include vitamin deficiency, leukemia, or an auto-immune disorder. Bruises caused by an auto-immune disorder, such as lupus, are usually raised and firm to the touch.