What happens if you drink too much soda in one day?

What happens if you drink too much soda in one day?

According to one of the largest, the landmark U.S. Framingham Heart Study, drinking just one can of soda daily has been linked to obesity, increased waist size, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart attack, stroke, poorer memory, smaller brain volume, and dementia.

Can you die from drinking too much soft drink?

Drinking water is good for us, but drinking too much water — or, in this case, soda — too quickly can be deadly. Our kidneys are supposed to keep our bodies balanced by controlling how much water and salt leaves the body. But if a person drinks more water than the body can handle, the kidneys can’t keep up.

What are the harmful effects of drinking too much soft drinks?

It leads to bone fractures more frequently, as these drinks make the bones weak. These drinks contain caffeine which eventually leads to increase in the amount of calcium excretion from the body through urination. It thus increases the risk of osteoporosis and hypocalcemia, as the study says.

What happens to your teeth when you drink soft drinks?

According to a 2013 study, drinking a lot of soft drinks will corrode your teeth so much that it’s comparable to a meth abuser! Needless to say, soft drinks ruin your teeth. The citric acid in soda eats away at tooth enamel, which increases risk of cavities and yellowing.

What happens to your body when you drink too much soda?

Clearly, drinking too much soda is no good for your energy levels. Drinking one soda or more a day has been found to increase a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 26 percent, the American Diabetes Association revealed in 2010.

Why are carbonated soft drinks bad for You?

But with people drinking more and more soda, phosphate intake has also increased. Phosphates are known to affect the heart, kidney, muscles, and bones negatively. Studies with rats have shown that increased levels of phosphates caused them to die sooner than rats that did not consume phosphates. 2. Metabolism drops