What happens if there are too many platelets in the blood?

What happens if there are too many platelets in the blood?

In ET, for example, the bone marrow makes too many megakaryocytes, the cells that make platelets, resulting in thrombocytosis. With these conditions, the excessive numbers of platelets cause the blood to be thick and flow more slowly which may result in blood clots.

Can a high platelet level be a sign of thrombocytosis?

Your doctor might detect thrombocytosis in a routine blood test result that shows a high platelet level. If your blood test indicates thrombocytosis, it’s important to determine whether it’s reactive thrombocytosis or essential thrombocythemia to know how to manage the condition. People with thrombocytosis often don’t have signs or symptoms.

What to do if your platelet count is high?

A patient may be given antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medicines to treat infections, or specialized drugs to combat anemia and other conditions that lead to a high platelet count. Doctors often suggest daily, low-dose aspirin for patients with essential thrombocytosis to help keep their blood from clotting.

What is the medical term for a high platelet count?

The medical term for a high platelet count is thrombocytosis, a condition in which bone marrow cells produce too many platelets. Thrombocytosis can be either reactive or essential.

What number is a dangerous platelet count?

Dangerous internal bleeding can occur when your platelet count falls below 10,000 platelets per microliter. Though rare, severe thrombocytopenia can cause bleeding into the brain, which can be fatal.

What are the dangers of large platelets?

The most common problem experienced by people with large platelets is increased bleeding. The oversized platelets cannot clot properly and as a result, the patient may bleed freely from even small injuries, develop substantial bruising, and experience internal bleeding that is difficult to stop because…

What would cause elevated platelets?

Reactive thrombocytosis, also known as secondary thrombocytosis, is the most common cause of elevated platelets. This disorder occurs in response to other diseases or conditions. These may include chronic inflammatory conditions, acute infection, some anemias, cancer, and other blood disorders.

What foods lower blood platelets?

Fruits. Berries, cherries, oranges and raisins also contain salicylates that reduce platelet aggregation, according to a study on the effects of salicylates found in food on cardiovascular health. According to World’s Healthiest Foods, grapes also reduce platelet aggregation.