What foods can you eat to get sick fast?

What foods can you eat to get sick fast?

Eat lots of very processed unhealthy foods like meat, dairy, junk foods, oils, corn syrups, soda etc and eat no fruits and vegetables what so ever. Stop drinking water, instead drink milk or soda if your thirsty and dehydrate your body so it can not heal itself.

What should I do if I feel like making myself sick?

Drink ice-cold water repeatedly Do not eat anything – Be on a complete fast Overexert yourself by doing some exercise beyond your capacity Take a bath in cold water, do not dry yourself and sit in an AC or the open-air with minimal clothes on the body.

How to get sick for real ways and tricks?

But if you want to make it look real and believable, there are actually some things to do. Getting yourself feverish with high temperature may take an extra effort but if you can do it, you will make a believable fake. The idea is to expose yourself to many activities and make yourself worn out or tired. Strenuous exercise can be a good idea.

Why do I want to get sick really fast?

You get these gems as you gain rep from other members for making good contributions and giving helpful advice. Raw chicken, it’s nasty but should work. It will also REALLY **** you up. Haven’t got that and can’t go shopping It’s almost midnight.

How do you get better faster when you are sick?

How to Become Better when You Are Sick Method 1 of 4: Taking Care to Not Get Sicker. Stay home from work or school. Method 2 of 4: Helping Yourself Get Better at Home. Determine if you have a cold or the flu. Method 3 of 4: Going to the Drugstore for Help. Take over-the-counter flu or cold medicine. Method 4 of 4: Going to the Doctor for Help.

What is the easiest way to get sick?

  • Eat Spoiled Food:-. The best way to make you fall ill overnight is to overeat junk food or poisoned food.
  • False Vomiting:-. Bring two of your fingers in your mouth and try to touch the farthest part of your tongue with the help of your fingers.
  • Make Your Face Red:-.
  • Rise of Temperature:-.
  • Eat Raw Potato:-.
  • Pretend like you are sneezing:-.

    How can I get sick quick?

    • Drink ice-cold water repeatedly.
    • Do not eat anything – Be on a complete fast.
    • Overexert yourself by doing some exercise beyond your capacity.
    • do not dry yourself and sit in an AC or the open air with minimal clothes on the body. Repeat this 2-3 times.
    • with minimal clothes or wet clothes.
    • Pray to God to grant your wish of getting a fever. (Since he rarely gets applications for fever who knows he may grant your wish) via.

      How do you get very sick?

      Viruses spread through tiny droplets in the air that are released when a sick person sneezes, coughs, or blows their nose . You can get sick if you touch your nose, eyes, or mouth after you have touched something contaminated by the virus, such as a toy, countertop, or doorknob.