What features of urine should be examined first in a urine specimen?

What features of urine should be examined first in a urine specimen?

Overview. Chemical examination is usually done using test strips.

  • Specific Gravity. The first test, specific gravity, is a measure of urine concentration and is measured using a chemical test.
  • pH. pH is not generally a very helpful test.
  • Protein.
  • Glucose.
  • Ketones.
  • Blood (Haemoglobin)
  • Leukocytes.
  • What are the advantages of a first morning urine specimen compared to a random urine specimen?

    First Morning Specimen This is the specimen of choice for urinalysis and microscopic analysis, since the urine is generally more concentrated (due to the length of time the urine is allowed to remain in the bladder) and, therefore, contains relatively higher levels of cellular elements and analytes such as protein, if …

    What is the importance of examining the different physical properties of urine?

    Urine is often used as a diagnostic feature for many disease conditions. These may b based on either physical or chemical components, that may give insight to processes within the body, often through urinalysis, a common clinical analysis of urine.

    When to use fresh urine for urine analysis?

    For a routine urine analysis, a fresh (<1 hr old), clean-catch urine sample is acceptable. If the analysis cannot be performed immediately, refrigerate the sample. (When urine stands at room temperature for a long period, casts and red blood cells undergo lysis, and the urine becomes alkalinized with precipitation of salts.) 1.

    What should I look for in a urine test?

    Pour 5–10 mL of well-mixed urine into a centrifuge tube. 2. Check for appearance (color, turbidity, odor). If a urine sample looks grossly cloudy, it is sometimes advisable to examine an unspun sample. If an unspun sample is used, make note that you have done so. In general, for routine urine analysis, a spun sample is more desirable. 3.

    Why are patients asked for a urine sample?

    Visual examination of the urine sample for color and clearness. Blood may make urine look red or the color of tea or cola. An infection may make urine look cloudy. A dipstick examination, which uses a chemically treated strip.

    How long does it take to preserve a urine sample?

    A: According to NCCLS Approved Guidelines on Urinalysis and Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of Urine Specimens, In general, chemical preservatives should be avoided for urinalysis. 1 NCCLS recommends that urinalysis be performed within two hours of collection.