What drug is a psychoactive drug that speeds up the nervous system?

What drug is a psychoactive drug that speeds up the nervous system?

A stimulant is a drug that speeds up the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs. There are four main groups of psychoactive drugs: stimulants, depressants, narcotics, and hallucinogens.

What drug speeds up the rate at which nerve impulses are transmitted?

stimulants cause more neurotransmitter molecules to diffuse across the synapse. depressants stop the next neurone sending nerve impulses. They bind to the receptor molecules the next neurone that needs to respond to the neurotransmitter molecules.

What are the 8 drug classifications?

The drug categories are:

  • Stimulants.
  • Inhalants.
  • Cannabinoids.
  • Depressants.
  • Opioids.
  • Steroids.
  • Hallucinogens.
  • Prescription drugs.

What drug can slow down the central nervous system?

Depressants are a class of drug which slow down brain functioning. They do this by depressing the central nervous system (CNS). This sedative quality of these substances means that they have many medicinal applications such as a treatment for insomnia and anxiety. Alcohol is the most popular of all depressants.

What drugs stimulate the central nervous system?

Ecstasy, a popular club drug, acts as a powerful central nervous system stimulant. The central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord, receives and transmits signals to the nerves in the peripheral nervous system, which is composed of the nerves in the organs and muscles of the body.

What is drugs category slows down the nervous system?

Drugs such as alcohol, heroin, benzodiazepines and cannabis are classed as depressant drugs, because they depress, or slow down activity in the central nervous system, often causing the user to feel sedated.

What does drugs change the central nervous system?

Opioid drugs also disrupt the natural production of norepinephrine and act as central nervous system depressants. Opioids block pain sensations, induce drowsiness, reduce body temperature, and slow heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration functions.