What does the word nostalgia?

What does the word nostalgia?

1 : the state of being homesick : homesickness. 2 : a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition also : something that evokes nostalgia.

What is an example of nostalgic?

The definition of nostalgic is someone or something who has a longing for the past or who looks back and remembers the past wistfully. An example of nostalgic is a person who is looking back at old photographs and remembering good times. Reminiscent of the speaker’s childhood or younger years.

How do you use nostalgia in a sentence?

Nostalgia sentence example

  1. She has nostalgia for the past.
  2. Do you enjoy nostalgia for a certain era of radio?
  3. Photos of my favorite childhood actors bring on pure nostalgia .
  4. For nostalgia ‘s sake, let’s do it again!
  5. She enjoyed the nostalgia brought on by the show.

How do you use the word nostalgic?

Nostalgic sentence example

  1. When the old song came on the radio, Harold suddenly felt nostalgic for his high school years.
  2. The senior citizens shared stories of the events that made them the most nostalgic and filled with longing for the past.

What is the meaning of the word nostalgia?

The word “nostalgia” denotes a personal association with a place or time. It’s usually felt like some blend of pleasure and sadness when one thinks of or gets reminded of past events. The term has roots in Greek and is roughly translated to “homecoming” and “pain”. Contrary to general perception, nostalgia is beyond mere reminiscing.

How to pronounce nostalgia in a different accent?

Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. or pronounce in different accent or variation ? Learn more about the word “nostalgia” , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

How to use nostalgia to your advantage ( instead of getting )?

If nostalgia acts as a store of positive memories to call back on when you’re feeling down, you have to create new ones before that storage runs out. It’s easier to fall back on old times, but breaking out of that comfort zone is well worth the trouble.

What’s the difference between reminisce and nostalgia?

To reminisce means “to recollect”. Nostalgia, however, deals with “feelings”. Reminiscing is a more voluntary act; nostalgia is a feeling that hits people based on external stimuli. That said, reminiscing about people, events, and things could lead to nostalgia.