What does the subcategory mean in an ICD code?

What does the subcategory mean in an ICD code?

In ICD codes, the subcategory describes the digit that comes after the decimal point. This digit further describes the nature of the illness or injury, and gives additional information as to its location or manifestation. The subclassification follows the subcategory ( See “Subcategory”) in ICD codes.

How does the subclassification work in ICD codes?

The subclassification follows the subcategory ( See “Subcategory”) in ICD codes. The subclassification further expands on the subcategory, and gives additional information about the manifestation, severity, or location of the injury or disease.

What does category mean in medical billingandcoding?

The category describes the general type of the injury or disease. The category is followed by a decimal point and the subcategory. This is followed by up to two subclassifications, which further explain the cause, manifestation, location, severity, and type of injury or disease.

Which is the International Classification of diseases code?

The International Classification of Diseases is a set of medical diagnostic codes established over a hundred years ago. Maintained today by the WHO ( See “WHO” ), ICD codes create a universal language for reporting diseases and injury. Currently, we use ICD-10-CM ( See “Clinical Modification” ). ICD codes are numeric or alphanumeric.

In ICD codes, the subcategory describes the digit that comes after the decimal point. This digit further describes the nature of the illness or injury, and gives additional information as to its location or manifestation. The subclassification follows the subcategory ( See “Subcategory”) in ICD codes.

The subclassification follows the subcategory ( See “Subcategory”) in ICD codes. The subclassification further expands on the subcategory, and gives additional information about the manifestation, severity, or location of the injury or disease.

What are the numbers on a Category 2 CPT code?

Category II codes, consisting of four numbers and the letter F, are supplemental tracking and performance measurement codes that providers can assign in addition to Category I codes. Unlike Category I codes, Category II codes are not linked to reimbursement.

What does ICD 9 stand for in medical category?

the acronym ICD-9-CM means International Classification of Disease, 9th Revision, Coding Manual The three volumes of ICD-9-CM are: Volumes 1-Diseases: Tabular List, Volume 2- Diseases: Alphabetic Index, Volume 3 -Procedures: Tabular and Alphabetic Index E codes are used to describe: