What does the rotator cuff muscle do?

What does the rotator cuff muscle do?

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that hold the shoulder joint in place and allow you to move your arm and shoulder. Problems occur when part of the rotator cuff becomes irritated or damaged. This can result in pain, weakness and reduced range of motion.

What type of movement does the shoulder allow?

The human shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. This mobility provides the upper extremity with tremendous range of motion such as adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, internal rotation, external rotation, and 360° circumduction in the sagittal plane.

What are the primary movements of the rotator cuff muscles?


  • Supraspinatus is responsible for movement away from the centerline of your body (abduction).
  • Infraspinatus is the main muscle responsible for lateral rotation of your arm away from the centerline of your body.
  • Teres minor is a small, narrow muscle on the back of your shoulder blade just below the infraspinatus.

What are the actions of the four rotator cuff muscles?

Each one of these muscles is part of the rotator cuff and plays an important role:

  • Supraspinatus. This holds your humerus in place and keeps your upper arm stable.
  • Infraspinatus. This is the main muscle that lets you rotate and extend your shoulder.
  • Teres Minor. This is the smallest rotator cuff muscle.
  • Subscapularis.

How are the muscles of the rotator cuff used?

The rotator cuff muscles are each used in a variety of upper extremity movements including flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation. They are essential players in almost every type of shoulder movement. Balanced strength and flexibility in each of the four muscles are vital to maintain functioning of the entire shoulder girdle.

Where does the supraspinatus muscle work in the rotator cuff?

The supraspinatus abducts, or elevates, the shoulder joint out to the side. It also works with the other rotator cuff muscles to stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint.

How does the rotator cuff prevent a pinch?

In addition, the muscles tighten the joint capsule preventing a pinch during shoulder movements. Certainly the rotator cuff – as the name suggests – plays a major role in the internal and external rotation of the upper arm in the shoulder joint.

How is the rotator cuff related to the glenohumeral joint?

Its function is related to the glenohumeral joint, where the muscles of the cuff function both as the executors of the movements of the joint and the stabilization of the joint as well.

How is the rotator cuff related to the shoulder?

They are involved in all shoulder motions: when the muscles contract, they pull on the rotator cuff tendon, causing the shoulder to rotate upward, inward, or outward, hence the name Rotator Cuff. The Rotator Cuff ligaments attach bone to bone and provide stability to the shoulder joint bones.

What are the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff?

The Four Rotator Cuff Muscles. The four muscles that form the rotator cuff are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. Often the mnemonic S.I.T.S is used to help remember the muscles that make up the rotator cuff. Each rotator cuff muscle performs a specific and important function for your shoulder joint.

How does the subscapularis muscle work in the rotator cuff?

The subscapularis muscle works to depress the head of the humerus allowing it to move freely in the glenohumeral joint during elevation of the arm. It also works with the other rotator cuff muscles to stabilize the head of the humerus in the glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint.

Which is the smallest rotator cuff muscle in the body?

This is the smallest rotator cuff muscle. Its main job is to assist with rotation of the arm away from the body. Subscapularis. This holds your upper arm bone to your shoulder blade and helps you rotate your arm, hold it straight out and lower it.