What does quinine do to early pregnancy?

What does quinine do to early pregnancy?

Pregnancies treated with quinine during the first trimester were associated with significantly increased risk of miscarriage compared with pregnancies not treated with an antimalarial (aHR = 1.48 [95% CI 1.18, 1.86]).

Can you take quinine while pregnant?

Quinine may cause congenital abnormalities of the CNS and extremities. Following administration of large doses during pregnancy, phototoxicity and deafness have been reported in neonates. Quinine sulfate should not be used during pregnancy unless the benefits outweigh the risks.

What does tonic water do to a pregnant woman?

Quinine can pass through the placenta from mother to fetus and there is some limited evidence that it can cause birth defects, so pregnant women should avoid the drug unless a doctor prescribes it to fight malaria.

Is tonic water with quinine safe during pregnancy?

Some people may experience allergic reactions to quinine. If this is the case, a person should avoid tonic water and any other products that contain quinine. People who should avoid quinine in medications include: women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Can a pregnant woman drink tonic water?

Pregnant women should steer clear of quinine-containing beverages! The information “contains quinine” is stated on every tonic or bitter lemon beverage.

Are there any cases of pregnant women taking quinine?

Studies have looked at whether or not infants born to these women had an increased risk of problems compared to what would be expected from a normal pregnancy. These studies did not show an increased risk with quinine use. However, there are cases of pregnant women taking very high quinine doses during…

Can a white quinine shot cause a miscarriage?

In fact, white quinine can actually cause miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is because when injected into the body of a pregnant woman, white quinine immediately penetrates the placenta and can seriously harm the fetus leading to miscarriage in early pregnancy.

What are the uses of quinine in medicine?

Historically, uses for quinine have been included treating malaria and leg cramps. The quinine plant began being used in the 1800s as a treatment for malaria since it can help kill the parasite that causes this illness. This compound is considered one of the first effective malaria drugs, although it’s not commonly used today.

Are there any side effects to eating quinine?

The main adverse reactions to quinine intake are tinnitus, visual disturbances, disorientation, skin bleeding and haematomas. If these symptoms occur, no further quinine should be consumed and a doctor consulted.

Can you use white quinine to prevent pregnancy?

You may have heard that white quinine can be used to prevent pregnancy and also that white quinine can be used for abortion. Is it really so and how safe is it? What will happen after using quinine in the first trimester of pregnancy?

What happens if you take quinine in the third trimester?

An increased incidence of hypoglycemia (due to increased pancreatic secretion of insulin) has been reported with use of this drug in pregnant women, especially during the third trimester; glucose levels should be monitored in pregnant women using this drug.

Are there any side effects to taking quinine?

Literature review suggests that quinine is an ineffective abortifacient, even when taken in toxic doses. Adverse effects of quinine include cinchonism, potentially fatal renal failure, and possible teratogenesis. Quinine is available over-the-counter, but it has few legitimate medical indications.

Is it safe to give quinine to infants?

Since levels of this drug in breast milk are low, amounts ingested by infants are small and would not be expected to cause harmful effects in the nursing infant. The amount in milk is considerably less than the dose needed to treat an infant for malaria.