What does pityriasis versicolor look like?

What does pityriasis versicolor look like?

Pityriasis versicolor (pit-uh-RYE-uh-sis vur-si-KUL-ur) skin patches usually are on the torso and upper arms. But they can also appear on the face and neck, especially in younger kids. The patches can be white, brown, red, or pink. The patches are dry, flaky, or scaly, and can be flat or slightly raised.

What triggers pityriasis versicolor?

Why it happens. Pityriasis versicolor is caused by a type of yeast called Malassezia. This yeast is found on the skin of more than 90% of adults, where it normally lives without causing any problems. But pityriasis versicolor can develop if this yeast starts to multiply more than usual.

Can pityriasis versicolor go away on its own?

Tinea versicolor may improve a little in cool or dry weather, but it usually doesn’t go away on its own. There are a number of effective treatments. These mainly include creams, lotions and shampoos that contain antifungals (substances that kill the fungus or inhibit its growth).

Where is the lump on the side of my neck?

I found a small pea sized lump about 4-5 weeks ago on the side of my neck just in the middle of the side of the neck. I think it’s soft, and I’m pretty sure it moves, as soon as I press hard on it, it feels like it moves.

What should I do about a muscle knot in my neck?

I managed to get a doctors appointment at 2.50 today althougth its with a doctor i dont particularly like hopefully can get to the bottom of what it is i just need some reassuarance. Neck lump or muscle knot? Hi everyone, thought I would give an update on my situation.

When to see a GP for neck lump?

Right now there is nothing to feel anxious about. Your body is simply doing what it’s supposed to do. If the gland hasn’t gone down after 3 weeks, or you start running a temperature, or you start getting severe night sweats (more than would normally be expected with this current spell of hot weather) then see your GP.

Is it a good idea to cut your neck?

Cutting your neck is stupid and pointless and right out in the open. You can’t always pop your collar or wear a turtle neck. Just don’t do it there. Private Areas: It may seem like a good idea, especially if you’re not planning on having any sort of intercourse any time soon.

Where is the lump at the base of your neck?

Hers is usually on the right side of the back of her neck, close to her hairline at the base of her skull. On each side of the back of your neck there is a tendon, thats where hers would appear. When our family doctor first looked at it, he said he could drain it in a minor surgery.

Can a blow to the base of the neck cause?

Although this is highly improbable from a single karate chop. If anything, that karate chop of significant force would more likely result in damage to the neck, soft tissue, and cervical spine. The Vulcan Nerve Pinch. Sorry, it only works if you’re a Vulcan, or LoneStar…

What does AK look like on the back of the neck?

This man said that a small patch of skin on the back of his neck felt like sandpaper. Later, a visible AK appeared on his sandpaper-like patch of skin. One or more rough, scaly bumps that may look like pimples or spots of irritated skin.

What causes pain at the base of the neck?

That branch occurs near the base of the neck near the collarbones. Some health problems that can affect the neck include: Neck spasm. Whiplash. Herniated disc. Muscle sprain. Laryngitis.