What does lemon balm cure?

What does lemon balm cure?

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), a member of the mint family, is considered a calming herb. It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion (including gas and bloating, as well as colic).

Is lemon balm good for infections?

The review also found lemon balm was effective against certain bacterial and fungal infections in humans. Another review of studies also discussed lemon balm’s antiviral activity. The researchers found that lemon balm inhibited the in vitro growth of the viruses that cause herpes simplex, influenza, and myxoviruses.

Who should not use lemon balm?

Stop using lemon balm at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. Thyroid disease: There is a concern that lemon balm may change thyroid function, reduce thyroid hormone levels, and interfere with thyroid hormone-replacement therapy. Avoid lemon balm if you have thyroid disease.

Is lemon balm a natural antibiotic?

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a plant that is sometimes used in its dried form (or by extracting its oil) as an antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-oxidative agent.

Is it safe to drink lemon balm tea everyday?

Lemon balm tea is generally safe for consumption when consumed in small to moderate quantities. As with many teas and herbal remedies, lemon balm tea may cause adverse reactions in certain individuals.

Does lemon balm tea make you sleepy?

Evidence shows that lemon balm increases GABA levels in mice, indicating that lemon balm may act as a sedative ( 16 ). If you chronically experience sleep problems, sipping lemon balm tea before bed may help.

What does lemon balm do to the brain?

Lemon balm significantly reduces excitatory transmission in the brain by inhibiting an enzyme called GABA-T that breaks down GABA, thus increasing the amount of GABA available in the brain.

Are there any health benefits to taking lemon balm?

It can help ease insomnia and other sleep disorders Combining lemon balm with valerian may help relieve restlessness and sleep disorders such as insomnia. Researchers in one 2006 study found that children who took a combined dose experienced a 70 to 80 percent improvement in symptoms.

How is lemon balm used to treat autoimmune disease?

Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, is used to relieve symptoms and promote immune system health in patients with autoimmune disease.

Can you use lemon balm to treat acne?

Lemon balm makes a great homemade acne treatment which is great for me since I often get adult acne. To make a homemade acne remedy with lemon balm, steep lemon balm leaves in hot water for 15 minutes. Once they’re done, remove the leaves and mix the steeped liquid with bentonite clay until it makes a paste.

How is lemon balm used to treat Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s Disease. Preliminary studies have suggested that citral in lemon balm extract may inhibit cholinesterase, an enzyme targeted by the drugs Aricept (donepezil), Exelon (rivastigmine), and Razadyne (galantamine) used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.

What is lemon balm used for in herbal medicine?

The commonly cited traditional uses of lemon balm as an herbal remedy are several: – in aromatherapy, for its calming effect, – as a topical insect repellent, – as a mild digestive aid, and – as general pain medicine.

Does lemon balm grow wild?

Lemon Balm is common throughout Europe, but mostly cultivated in the United States. It sometimes grows wild in sunny fields and along roadsides. It is a perennial and is easily cultivated by seed or root division in rich, sandy or loamy soil.

Where can I find Lemon balm tea?

Where to buy lemon balm tea. USDA -approved organic lemon balm tea, available in the form of fresh or dried leaves as well as tea bags, can be purchased from online teashops and local herbal tea sellers.