What does it mean when you drop something on your toe and it turns black?

What does it mean when you drop something on your toe and it turns black?

If you stub your toe or drop something heavy on your feet, you may develop a subungual hematoma, which is blood trapped beneath the toenail. This gives the toenail a red, black, or purple discoloration. It is often called black toenail for that reason.

How do you treat toe after dropping something?

Symptom Relief

  1. Rest. Stop doing any physical activity that causes pain, and keep your foot immobile whenever possible.
  2. For the first 24 hours, ice your toe for 20 minutes every hour you are awake, then 2 to 3 times a day.
  3. Keep your foot raised to help keep swelling down.
  4. Take pain medicine if necessary.

What to do when you have dried blood under your nail?

To remove blood from under a nail:

  1. Straighten a paper clip, and heat the tip in a flame until it is red-hot.
  2. Place the tip of the paper clip on the nail and let it melt through.
  3. Do not push or apply pressure on the paper clip.
  4. Go slowly, and reheat the clip as necessary.

What causes a bruise on the bottom of the toe?

Toe contusion (bruise) is the damage of the blood vessels (veins and capillaries) that return blood from your tissues back to the heart. The blood pools there and turns blue or purple. It’s typically caused by a bump, hit, or fall. Rarity: Rare. Top Symptoms: constant foot pain, toe injury, toe pain from an injury, swollen toes, toe bruise(s)

Is there a bruise on my left foot?

Notice bruise starting on right foot as well. A few weeks ago I noticed a small bruise on the left side of my left big toenail. I have not injured it in any way and nothing has changed shoe wise.

How long does it take for a bruised toe to heal?

Most bruised toes can heal on their own with proper care at home, especially if there is no fracture involved. It usually takes weeks for complete healing; however, pain and swelling can resolve within a few days [4,5]. If an object was dropped on the foot or toe, healing may take longer. Can you walk with a foot or toe bruise?

Can you walk with a bruise on your toe?

Walking with a foot or toe bruise, especially if it is due to a fracture, is not advised. If you experience foot or toe bruising, make an appointment with your physician in order to get proper advice about walking and movement. Walking prematurely may delay the proper healing of the affected foot or toe and cause increased pain.

What did I drop on my toe last night?

I dropped something on my toe last night. It is bruised and I dropped something on my toe last night. It is bruised and swollen but I can wiggle it what is it exactly? … read more my 5 year old dropped a heavy object on his big toe last night and the nail is black and blue and it is hurting him.

Toe contusion (bruise) is the damage of the blood vessels (veins and capillaries) that return blood from your tissues back to the heart. The blood pools there and turns blue or purple. It’s typically caused by a bump, hit, or fall. Rarity: Rare. Top Symptoms: constant foot pain, toe injury, toe pain from an injury, swollen toes, toe bruise(s)

Most bruised toes can heal on their own with proper care at home, especially if there is no fracture involved. It usually takes weeks for complete healing; however, pain and swelling can resolve within a few days [4,5]. If an object was dropped on the foot or toe, healing may take longer. Can you walk with a foot or toe bruise?

Walking with a foot or toe bruise, especially if it is due to a fracture, is not advised. If you experience foot or toe bruising, make an appointment with your physician in order to get proper advice about walking and movement. Walking prematurely may delay the proper healing of the affected foot or toe and cause increased pain.