What does it mean when red lines appear on your arm?

What does it mean when red lines appear on your arm?

From a sunburn to an allergic reaction, there are many things that can cause your skin to become red or irritated. It may be because extra blood rushes to the skin’s surface to fight off irritants and encourage healing. Your skin can also become red from exertion, such as after a heart-pounding exercise session.

Can you get blood poisoning from a cat bite?

An infected cat bite wound will be red, swollen, and painful, and the infection can spread through the surrounding tissues, causing a condition called cellulitis, or through the blood to other areas of the body, causing a condition called septicemia (often called blood poisoning).

Why is there a red line on my arm?

She wrote that the wounds didn’t look infected when she noticed the red mark on his arm, highlighting the fact that sepsis can occur with little warning. “Sepsis is the most serious form of any infection,” Frank Esper, MD, pediatric infectious disease specialist at Cleveland Clinic, tells Health.

Why is my skin red and scaly on my Arms?

The Mayo Clinic explains that keratosis pilaris can cause an excess buildup of the skin’s protein, causing red, scaly, blotchy plugs to develop on the skin. Blotchiness may also be due to eczema or contact dermatitis, in which the skin reacts to substances such as soap or chemicals.

How did I get a red line on my finger?

The wound was red and had watery fluids leaking from it, I managed to wash the wound off and I dried it off. I also added a band-aid so no infection could occur. Later in the day I realized there was a large red line stemming from the side of my index finger, going to my hand and through my arm.

What are the symptoms of blotchy skin on the arms?

Symptoms. Blotchiness on the arms may be accompanied by a variety of other symptoms. These can include rough skin, itchiness, bumps that look like acne and inflamed skin-colored bumps. In certain cases, headache, fever, a giddy or intoxicated feeling and memory loss may develop in conjunction with blotchy skin on the arms.

What is a red line on your arm?

Sometimes, as in acute streptococcal or staphylococcal infections of the skin, the infection may spread by breaking in to the lymphatic channels. The infected lymph channels appear as a thin red line going up towards the armpit. The infection may further reach the lymph nodes of the arm pit.

What is red streak down arm?

Often, a streptococcal infection in the skin and the tissues just beneath the skin ( cellulitis) spreads to the lymph vessels. Occasionally, staphylococci or other bacteria are the cause. Red, irregular, warm, tender streaks develop on the skin in the affected arm or leg.

What are red lines on my legs?

Spider veins appear as thin, red lines or as weblike networks of blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Spider veins, a mild form of varicose veins, typically appear on the legs and feet.

What are red streaks on arms?

An infection that spreads through the skin, called cellulitis, presents with areas of increased redness and swelling with possible red streaking on the hand or arm. Another type of infection, called tenosynovitis , involves an infection of the tendons in the hand and arm, and spreads through the tendon sheath or covering.