What does it mean when a doctor says soft tissues are unremarkable?

What does it mean when a doctor says soft tissues are unremarkable?

Unremarkable: Just what you think it means. Boring! Normal. Negative: Usually referring to a medical test.

What is a soft tissue?

Soft tissues connect and support other tissues and surround the organs in the body. They include muscles (including the heart), fat, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, and tissues that surround the bones and joints. Most soft tissue cancers arise in connective tissue.

What does soft tissue is unremarkable for patients age?

In this case, the report says the muscle and other non-bony tissues next to the spine are normal. What does it mean when they say soft tissue and bony thorax is unremarkable for patients age? In radiology interpretations, this is terminology meaning that the soft tissue and bony thorax is normal.

What does soft tissue mean in medical terms?

It is a medical term for describing common “back strain”. It actually refers to all soft tissue injuries of the lumbar spine. Soft tissues are the muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels around the spine.

Where are soft tissue tumors found in the body?

Basics of soft tissue masses Soft tissue tumors are cell growths that emerge nearly anywhere in the body: in tendons, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, nerves, blood vessels, fat, and other tissues. Patients commonly refer to these masses as lumps or bumps. See Figures 1 and 2.

When to seek medical attention for soft tissue masses?

Immediate medical attention A newly found soft tissue mass is rarely an emergent condition. Not all soft tissue masses require surgery, and removal of a known benign tumor can be safely delayed. However, any suspected (cancerous growth) should be worked-up and biopsied as soon as possible so further treatment can be rendered.

In this case, the report says the muscle and other non-bony tissues next to the spine are normal. What does it mean when they say soft tissue and bony thorax is unremarkable for patients age? In radiology interpretations, this is terminology meaning that the soft tissue and bony thorax is normal.

What does soft tissue is unremarkable on a MRI?

Unremarkable means that they preformed nothing remarkable therefore its normal not abnormal. I hope this helps! What does paravertebral soft tissue grossly unremarkable on a MRI of Lumbar Spine?

It is a medical term for describing common “back strain”. It actually refers to all soft tissue injuries of the lumbar spine. Soft tissues are the muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels around the spine.

What does unremarkable mean in a chest xray?

The term ‘unremarkable’ when used in medical terminology refers to nothing out of the ordinary. The term unremarkable aorta on an MRI reading would mean there is nothing to be concerned about with the aorta, there is nothing out of the ordinary. What does unremarkable mean in a ct scan?