What does it feel like when you have low back pain?

What does it feel like when you have low back pain?

Pain that travels to the buttocks, legs, and feet. Sometimes low back pain includes a sharp, stinging, tingling or numb sensation that moves down the thighs and into the low legs and feet, also called sciatica.

What does it mean to be in extreme pain?

A pain that is strong but the patient is still able to function. A very extreme pain that makes the patient unable to function. This is the pain scale often used in hospitals that allows patients to communicate their level of discomfort to the staff, like I did with the nurses.

When to seek medical attention for low back pain?

If low back pain interferes with daily activities, mobility, sleep, or if there are other troubling symptoms, medical attention should be sought. Chronic low back pain is usually correlated with other symptoms.

How to deal with the discomfort of depersonalization?

The best way to relieve the discomfort of depersonalization is to follow the AWARE sequence of coping steps for a panic attack. You can specifically address the symptom of depersonalization as you follow the AWARE steps by emphasizing the following points: 1. Acknowledge and accept the symptom.

Pain that travels to the buttocks, legs, and feet. Sometimes low back pain includes a sharp, stinging, tingling or numb sensation that moves down the thighs and into the low legs and feet, also called sciatica.

What are the symptoms of a major depressive episode?

A major depressive episode is characterized by the presence of a severely depressed mood that persists for at least two weeks. Episodes may be isolated or recurrent and are categorized as mild (few symptoms in excess of minimum criteria), moderate, or severe (marked impact on social or occupational functioning).

What are the symptoms of lower abdominal pain?

Common accompanying symptoms of lower abdominal pain. If you’re experiencing lower right abdominal pain you may also experience: Fever; Chills; Poor food tolerance; Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea; Lightheadedness; Change in stool output or consistency; Bloody stools

What are the symptoms of a low platelet count?

If you have a low platelet count, here are some symptoms you may experience: Easy bruising. Excessive bleeding following even minor injuries. Pain in your joints. Blood in the white parts of your eyes, or changes in vision. Blood in your urine, vomit, or bowel movements. Tiny little red spots on your skin called “petechiae”. Frequent nose bleeds.