What does fullness of pituitary gland mean?

What does fullness of pituitary gland mean?

Enlargement of the pituitary gland is when a normal pituitary gland becomes bigger in size for some reason. The change in size can cause your pituitary gland to make too much or too little of certain hormones. A large pituitary may also push on the nerves that connect your eyes to your brain and cause vision problems.

What tests do I need to find out what’s wrong with my pituitary?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or high-resolution computerized tomography (CT) of your brain can detect a pituitary tumor or other pituitary gland problems. Vision tests. These tests can determine if growth of a pituitary tumor has impaired your sight or visual fields.

What happens if your pituitary gland is under active?

Lack of thyroid hormone production slows down normal body functions. Symptoms that may arise include weight gain, weakness, constipation, and depression. Insufficient levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production by the pituitary results in under-active adrenal glands.

What should the pituitary gland look like on a MRI?

Normal appearance on MRI. These plump glands completely fill the pituitary fossa, and have a convex upper border, whereas older individuals will have a mostly empty pituitary fossa, with a deflated and thinned gland lying on the floor of the sella.

How can you tell if you have a pituitary tumor?

Another important symptom that can occur with a pituitary tumor is double vision, where a person sees two images instead of one. This type of double vision exists when both eyes are open and goes away when either eye is closed.

Why is there no bright spot on the pituitary?

Absence of the normal posterior pituitary bright spot should prompt a search for an ectopic posterior pituitary that has failed to migrate inferiorly from the hypothalamus (Fig. 2). This finding can also be associated with transection of the pituitary stalk.

What are the symptoms of an enlarged pituitary gland?

NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. Enlargement of the pituitary gland is usually due to a tumor but may be due to bleeding into the gland or involvement by some other disease, such as tuberculosis or sarcoidosis. An enlarged pituitary gland may cause symptoms such as headaches.

Normal appearance on MRI. These plump glands completely fill the pituitary fossa, and have a convex upper border, whereas older individuals will have a mostly empty pituitary fossa, with a deflated and thinned gland lying on the floor of the sella.

Can a non functional adenoma in the pituitary cause no symptoms?

These tumors don’t cause symptoms until they press on nearby nerves, parts of the brain, or other parts of the pituitary. Non-functional adenomas that cause no symptoms are sometimes found because of an MRI or CT scan done for other reasons. These tumors are now being found more often as more MRI and CT scans of the brain are done.

What happens when the pituitary gland does not produce enough hormones?

If surgery and radiation cannot cure this, then medications need to be taken throughout life. Hypopituitarism is a medical condition where the pituitary gland does not produce sufficient hormones. When the pituitary hormones are not produced, or are low in production, the condition is referred to as panhypopituitarism.