What does fullness in your chest feel like?

What does fullness in your chest feel like?

Chest pressure is the sensation of a squeezing, tightening, crushing or pressing in the chest area, with or without pain. It is sometimes described as a feeling of a band tightening around your chest or of something heavy sitting on your chest.

Is it normal to have a heavy feeling in the chest?

Although these other structures may also be diseased and cause discomfort, this is not typically described as a heavy feeling in the chest as is the case with the heart and lungs in particular. The heavy feeling in the chest is a symptom although it does not accurately describe the exact sensation that a person is experiencing.

What’s the feeling in the chest and throat?

rai27 I’m hoping for some help please..I have been feeling this strange sensation in the chest and lower throat. It’s a sensation which I can only describe as a heavy feeling (no pain) and a tickling cough sensation in the chest. This then moves upwards to the lower throat area and makes it as though it is becoming tight.

What causes a feeling of pressure in the chest?

Angina can cause a feeling of pressure in the chest. It happens when the heart muscle does not get enough blood, and it is a symptom of coronary artery disease. As well as chest pain, angina may…

Why do I have a burning feeling in my chest?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or commonly known as acid reflux where stomach acid flows backward into the esophagus (food pipe). Although it typically causes heartburn (burning chest pain), certain cases may cause no symptoms (silent acid reflux) or mild non-specific symptoms such as a heavy feeling in the chest.

What could be causing the heavy feeling in my chest?

  • including a heavy feeling in the chest.
  • Depression. Depression is another psychological cause of a heavy feeling in the chest.
  • Muscle strain.
  • GERD.
  • Pericarditis.
  • Angina.
  • Heart attack.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Collapsed lung.
  • Pulmonary embolism.

    Why does my chest feel heavy and hurt?

    Physical exertion: Lifting heavy objects, over exercising, dancing aggressively can also cause physical exertion especially in the chest area. Pneumonia and Bronchitis: Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Cold are also some of the reasons that lead to pain in the chest.

    What causes a weird sensation in your chest?

    Dyspepsia, also called indigestion, can cause: It can also cause a bubbling and gurgling feeling in your chest. Dyspepsia can be caused by an overgrowth of a bacteria called H. pylori, a strain of bacteria that more than half of the people on earth have in their bodies.

    What causes heavy chest pain?

    Injury is one of the most common chest wall causes of a heavy feeling in the chest. This can occur with a blow like in a fall, with contact sports, car accidents and an assault. Sharp force trauma is an obvious cause and there is usually severe pain.